Chapter 2, Remastered

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(Edited: 10.12.2022)
CHAPTER WARNINGS: Canonical Child Abuse, Graphic Dipictions of Torture Aftermath, Blood and Violence, Inflicting Mental Trauma (please tell me if I missed something)


I - He's a Boleoti, What Did You Except?

Cale is currently minding his own business and is very much enjoying the books upon books his dad splurged on him.

There are so many genres to choose from, from academic to fiction to even something as troublesome as a centuries-old noble's autobiography during the past Empire's warring era.

In short, Cale is having fun wasting time and slacking off. Too bad his dad just have to come in bearing such vicious news. Why is Leo-noona hanging out with the knights during these trying times? He needs a buffer.

"Do you remember what the foolish dean confessed?" his dad asks while watching him intently. Seems to be his hobby, staring at his children all day. Cale doesn't know why.

(Phileo stares because his children are wonders. They were his cousin's children and he remembers the face of his cousin's lover, but they don't resemble his children. At all. They look more like Phileo and it warms something in him to see their similarities.

Every little thing they do never fails to make him smile. He already lost count of all the times his children made him burst out laughing.

No wonder Rupert always look like he saw a ghost. Phileo was never known to laugh, after all.)

"Yes...?" Cale trails off in hesitation, not knowing where this will go.

"He gladly gave the names of all the people that hurt you, so I had Rupert do a manhunt for them. They are currently en route to arrive here in the evening." His dad informs nonchalantly like it was that easy finding the people Cale chased out years ago.

'What the hell. I made sure to send them far away from us. Like, three kingdoms over far away.'

Cale even made sure he permanently blacklisted them, ensuring they wouldn't be able to find a job. The only way they can have a modicum of pay is to sell themselves as other people's property. Basically, offering themselves as slaves to survive.

(He wouldn't normally bother to go to such lengths if the abuse only happened to him since all they did was withhold food (he's used to starving), a couple of pinches when they got annoyed (pinches are nothing compared to the beatings he received from his uncle), some verbal abuse (which isn't exactly damaging) and the constant physically taxing chores not fit for his child body (it was against his slacker life, but it's not like he can foist it to the other children, he's the only adult inside a child's body, so he needs to do it).

But their mistreatment wasn't focused on him like he'd wanted them to, so Cale had to do something.

He tried hard to let all their mistreatment focus solely on him, but Cale is a lone child who couldn't shield all the kids. The ones he failed were left for the adults to prey on.

So when the time came for him to retaliate, he remembered all the times he failed to protect the children and decided to never let the scumbags have better lives.)

"How did you even get a hold of them? Last I heard, they've been living miserably as some mean noble's plaything."

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