Special Chapter ft. Raon Miru, Ohn, Hong, Red Dragon (Sheritt & White Star)

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Cale’s in a good mood. He finally turned 18 years old and his dad finally permitted him to go out alone from now onwards.

He doesn’t understand his dad’s overprotectiveness. What’s even there to worry about? His dad made sure to train Cale and his sister in both magic and sword respectively. They even bested the Glasdigo Knights, the Empire’s strongest military, many times during their spars.

Shouldn’t that be enough reassurance that no dangers can get them?

(Phileo knows his children are strong, he made sure of that so he isn’t overly worried about dangers.

No, the thing he worries about is their sudden wanderlust. Because that was the reason his cousin ran away. She was afforded the freedom to do whatever she wanted and in her travels, met the wandering knight she fell in love with.

What if his children meet some ruffians in the wild? What if they grow attached to that thing? And if Phileo denies their friendship/romance and then runs away?

Away from him and the safety the Boleoti Estate provides?


Should he just kill all people in the world?)

Cale and his twin sister spent three years (with Count and Countess Rinne’s help) convincing their dad and now, they’re finally granted the freedom to explore.

His twin sister wanted to visit the West Region with their forests so she’s currently preparing for the trip back in the estate, while Cale went ahead and settled for exploring the North’s entirety.

He looks at the scenery the carriage window provides while munching on some pre-cut apple pies. Sir Gabel, his appointed knight who’s with him as his escort, sits next to him. He offers him some of his snacks and Sir Gabel takes one with a ‘thank you’.

Today marks his tenth and last day of exploration. All the things he bought have been sent to the estate and he'll have to apologize to the servants once he gets back. He went overboard buying things again and he hopes the souvenirs he got for the servants are enough compensation for the work of organizing his things.

He dearly misses dimensional bags.

“We have arrived, young master Cale.”

Opening the carriage door, he accepts Sir Gabel’s hand and steps out. Even at the borders between North and East, it’s still the same cold weather found in North’s centre. He fixes the coat he’s wearing more securely and meets Baron Suever’s eyes, the noble in charge of this area.

“Greetings to the other half of Boleoti’s moon, I am Baron Thomas Suever in charge of the borders that divides the North from the East. It’s an honour having young master Caelus visit us.”

“I share the same sentiments, Baron Suever. I wish to explore what the Barony has to offer, might I trouble you with a guide?”

“It’s no trouble at all, young master. I already prepared someone in advance. This is Pierre, a butler in training. I’m sure he’ll offer a satisfactory service.”

“Thank you, Baron Suever.”

“Then I’ll excuse myself, young master.”

Cale watches him leave and when he’s sure there aren’t ears listening in, he turns to Pierre and asks, “Is there trouble brewing here?”

He lets Pierre take lead before he answers, ”Not that I know of, master Cale. They’ve been really quiet ever since Duke Boleoti made noise last month.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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