2-The corridors

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The area they found themselves to be in, that also apparently was Technoblades's mind, was surprisingly empty. As far as the eye could see there was nothing but a gray-ish misty white substance that put the group to mind of a thick low hanging fog. The path that 'Chat' instructed them to follow cut through the the substance like a knife. The path seemed to be made of obsidian blocks with gold ones placed here and there within making a sort of pattern. If however, you were to try and identify what exactly the pattern was you'd find that before you could it would shuffle and shift and change. The viewer would be left utterly disoriented. Like the strange substance around them the path also showed no sign of ending. So....they walked.

"My feet hurrrrttttttt!!!!!" Tommy complained loudly causing a few of the others to either nod or mumble their agreement. "How much longer do you think we'll have to walk?" Tubbo asked looking up at his platonic, newly revived, husband as he did. "I'm not sure," Ranboo said looking back down at him. "Carry me," Tubbo demanded. "What?" Ranboo asked confused and caught slightly off guard. "Give me a piggy back ride. My feet hurt and I don't want to walk anymore," Tubbo demanded again. "Alright," Ranboo agreed. With that Ranboo bent down slightly allowing Tubbo to jump on to his back for a piggyback ride.

"I still don't understand how exactly we ended up inside the mind of Technoblade, I mean like what the fuck?" Quackity grumbled to Sam and Charlie. He, like many others, was not thrilled to be in their current situation. "Phil from Ring Lake mispronounced a word in a spell he was trying to cast to help Technoblade from Antarctic," Charlie said with his normal cheery voice only now it seemed to have a worried undertone to it setting Quackity on edge but going unnoticed by Sam.

"Look! There's a door!" Karl announced from up front where he had been talking with Philza, Dream, Foolish, and Bad. A few 'Really!?'s and 'Finally!'s could be heard though out the group. A few of the younger members (Tommy) ran off towards it and yelled a "Race You To The Door!" followed by a "Last One There Owes Me Eight Pounds!" A couple others ran off after them but most of the older ones just continued to walk although at a slightly faster pace.

Soon they were all in front of the door. Before they could open it however, Chat popped into existence in front of them. "Helloooo! I see you're all here! That's good! That's good! Which means nobody strayed from the path wich is Wonderful!! You wouldn't have come back other wise," they say in a disturbingly cheerful voice. "I'm sorry What!?" Dream exclaimed confused and concerned. Phil looked as though he had been about to say the same thing. "Anywaysssssss!!!!!!! Welcome to the corridors!! The place that connects all of Techno's mind!! Not that it's important or anything really. Simply enter and go through the door marked Memories!!!" Chat said cheerfully ignoring Dream's question. "Why?" Karl asked slightly skeptical. "For Plot!" they answer before splitting into two. "Shhhhhhhhh!!! They aren't supposed to know thattt! Now we have to fix the fourth wall!!" Chat #2 said slapping a hand over the first one's mouth. "Anyways! To answer your question....To get out! Just go through the right door and you'll be out," she said hand still held firmly over the first one's mouth. "That... sounds easy enough," Sapnap says slowly as Chat merges back into one being. "Welp in you go!!" Chat said, now one being again, as they open the door and disappear.

Most of them were skeptical about entering but were forced to followed when Tommy, and Tubbo ran in, pulling Ranboo behind them.

The group slowly filed in and looked around at the doors that lined the room they had walked into.

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