The start of puberty.

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TW: minor swearing

It was a rough day. I was so exhausted. I went into my room this afternoon, maybe i could get some rest?

(Just a quick explanation, this timeline is where he finds out what "regressing" is. This timeline is before the movie encanto, hes the same age)

I mumbled to myself while letting my legs wobble off the bed. I shapeshifted into a younger vers of me! It sorts of feels nice, i become worried and walk towards my big ass mirror.

He scanned his appearance.
He looked, cute. As a kid ofc.
But he weirdly felt safe. He felt secured and little as a tiny version of himself. Whats happening? Why am i feeling like this? He thought while touching his face. With his tiny hands.

Out of nowhere, he had the urge to put a pacifier in his mouth. BLEGH!
What?! Whats going on?! He screeched in his mind.

His mind was fuzzy all of a sudden. He played with his plushie toys he had as a kid, and wobbled his feet.
He giggled and struggled standing up.
He half-crawled-half-walked going to his mirror, he examined himself and sat down.

Letting out a giggle, he wobbled his feet while he touched them.
He wanted milk. Suddenly he felt as if his thoughts was revived, he gasped when his shape suddenly changed. Growing more taller and slimmer, a slender figure.

He stood up. Looked at his mirror like it was a witness to his crime. And covered it with some blankets for "unintentional silly behaviours" his eyes widened looking at the plushie toys, and gasped on how messy his room was now. Plushies were everywhere.

He hurriedly cleaned everything up and wiped his cold sweat off his face. What just happened?! But.. that felt so relaxing. Like a juliet to his romeo. He wants more of that relaxation, but he din't know how or what just happened at the moment.

"Well that was.. an interesting experience." -he said outloud.
He completely forgot all his worries the other moment. And focused more on what or how did it happened- |


He was early, so the usual he tried to steal arepas. He couldn't resist the yummy smell it was giving.

He tried to take one and right before he could react, julieta already slapped away his hand gently. With a grin in her usual soft face.

Camilo let out an caught face. Julieta chuckled. "Oh mi sobrino, camilo. We can eat at dinner, no need to rush." She said while gazing at the arepas on the stove. She looked up to camilo and smiled.

Camilo smiled back. The usual soft smile on her face was back, he couldn't resist his tía's contagious smiles. "Aughh. tía pero me muero de hambre! necesito tus arepas magicas para llenarme
(but i'm starving! I need your magical arepas to make me full)

She chuckled. "bien bien, aquí tienes"
(Okay okay, here you go)

She then handed camilo the freshly made arepas. It was still steaming hot! I'd say it was completely worth it for camilo. He took a bite out of the arepa. "tía. Its the same way it is, always yummy. And good for you too!" He said while he planted a kiss on his tía's cheek. "I'd never get tired of your arepas tía!" He grinned. Julieta returned it. "Gracias sobrino. yo también te amo. puedes ir ahora. el viento es un poco fuerte hoy, te sugiero que vayas con tu mami"

(i love you too. you can go along now. the wind is kinda strong today, i'd suggest you go to your mommy)

She smiled. And signaled him to go to his mami with her eyes.

Camilo smiled before he went upstairs. He was expecting to see his papí felíx calming his mami down.
But he still couldn't shake the feeling of relaxation and peace after he played with plushies. It felt so safe and-

He got bumped out by his thoughts.

"Oh!" -"camilo!" "Lo siento, lo siento. Let me help you up." It was mirabel. Her everloving kind cousin who always smiled, her favorite cousin.
He couldn't say he was not biased in a way, when it was about mirabel.

-mirabel grabbed his hand and pulled him up.
"You okay primo?" -"you looked like you were lost in thought." He watched as his cousin's brows pinched in concern. one of her eyebrows raised up. In a attempt to understand.

-"w-w..well" he cursed himself mentally for stuttering. YOU DUMBASS- "well i was thinking what next prank i would do to isabella!" He said in a bold voice.

Mirabel looked like she wasn't buying it but sighed.
"Okay, camilo. If you say so."
She said while smiling but with her eyebrows in a furrow of worry.

He cursed himself for making her worry. But remembered his arepas.
"MY AREPASSSSS!1!1!1!" He yelled loudly. And heard mirabel laugh out loud in another room, or hallway.

He made a grumpy noise and started picking up his arepas from the ground.

"Why is life so cruel to me." He said talking to himself.

He said, completely oblivious to what antonio saw, earlier.

AND YES THE ORHER STORIES ARENT COMPLETED, it just takes long to make one cause of yknow the problems. I'll try to upload more often!

Camilo madrigal AGERE💖🌈✨ -(angstWhere stories live. Discover now