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matt's pov

i wake up to y/n, chris, and nick sleeping on my floor. wtaf is going on

me: GUYS

nick: what

me: what are you doing on my mf floor

nick: oh we watched a scary movie so we came here because we didnt wanna sleep downstairs

me: tell chris and y/n to wake up

nick: arent they so cute sleeping together

me: yeah whatever just tell them to wake up

nick: someone slept on the wrong side of the bed

me: nick actually stfu

nick: whatever. y/n, chris wake up

they don't answer him so i push chris' head

me: chris wake your ass up

chris: fckn hell you didnt have to push me

me: ok sorry can you just tell y/n to wake up

chris: no she's so peaceful

me: ok whatever

nick: im gonna make breakfast

chris: what are you gonna make

nick: im gonna make me and y/n avocado toast, what do you two want

chris: i want hash

nick: we arent going anywhere its too early

chris: then ill starve

me: im not hungry

nick: matt you have to eat something. you barely ate yesterday

me: then make me avocado toast ill try it

nick: youll love it

nick's pov

sadly, after breakfast y/n has to go back home. she lives about ten minutes away so her house isnt that far. still sad about it though.

im almost finished making breakfast and y/n is helping me. its always nice having her around.

nick: can you get matt down here

y/n: not chris?

nick: hes not gonna eat

y/n: why not

nick: he wanted hash but we arent going anywhere this early so he said he'll just starve

y/n: oh

y/n's pov

i go to matts room and tell him to come eat. before i leave the room i give chris kiss.

chris: i love you

me: love you too chris

we head to the kitchen and i see chris coming next to me. he holds my hand. i love this kid so much

chris: hello love

me: hey

chris: tell nick to get me hash

me: he already told you  its too early

chris: whatever

me: you can have some of my food

chris: thats why i love you

nick: chris if youre hungry we can make you some, i dont want you to eat y/n's food

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