The start but look like it's a end - Part one

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Office|Author narration
You were sitting on your leather chair while taping your feet patiently as your boyfriend messaged you saying he'll be picking you up tonight as he want to spend some quality time with you because you were busy with your new project and today it's over so he planned a small date for you both but still didn't reached your office you're waiting for him for the past half an hour but still there is no sign of him.

It's been 3 years of you being in a relationship with your boyfriend Taehyung and these years were the best years of your life to find love in your childhood best friend everything is amazing still you feel the love in air , your eyes sparkle while hearing his name he's blessing for you and in your life without him your life is colorless , you flinch hearing your ringtone suddenly that take you out from your love land it's no other than Taehyung number as you picked it up "Hello Taehyung where are you- the other line cut you off and told something that shattered your whole existence.

Phone feel from your grip as tears build up in your eyes as you hurriedly took your bag and phone and run out of your office as you took the taxi to reach there as soon as possible your heartbeat weren't same anymore as before they were running in the speed of bullet train , they had fear to lose someone precious again it's like your life is hanging on the pitch or well you just want to hug him , want him to tell you he's safe and fine , he's not being with give you anxiety .[1]

You run towards the receptionist as you asked "Kim Taehyung" you said as the receptionist told you his room number as you rushed towards his room and that was a operation theater you asked the one of the nurse who was passing by she told you that doctors are still in treating the stand there your hand were on your forehead you're just holding everything inside not waiting to burst out , why? Because he don't like to see a single tear in your eye....There is no one to console you , tell you that he will be fine you have no friends no family you're a orphan and Taehyung parents got divorced when he was a kid they left him with his parents and leaves him with his grandma who died when he was in highschool.

Your Pov
I sat there waiting for the doctor to come out he got into an accident as some person called me saying he's admit in this hospital i can't believe it's happens so soon that i can't even relate what actually is happening...but then the operation theater door opened two doctors came out as i stand up and run towards them "Are you the relative of the patient?" He asked as I nodded as he asked me to follow him. My heart is beating out of my chest....he asked me to sit as i did as he spoke "What's your relation with the patient exactly?!" He asked as i spoke "I'm his girlfriend Lim Yn'' i said as he nodded he took out some reports and handed me as he spoke "So Miss.Lim can you see the head part *as i nodded seeing where he's pointing* our brain is always at the back side as our cerebrum is divided into two parts: the first is the right brain and second is the left brain.

Cerebral hemisphere or halves at a fissure , the deep groove down the middle....*he said while showing me in the reports as i listened him carefully* The corpus callosum connects the two halves of the brain delivers message from one half of half the brain to other" [2]

I nodded knowing what he's talking i also what he's going to tell me but i don't want to believe as he finally said those things that i wanted hear at the end of my life "As you understand what I'm talking about Miss.Lim so at the time of accident he hitted his head on the steering wheel and that make corpus callosum to get block because of the impact of the force he hitted his head and that preventing the brain to get messages as we able to make his body stable but his brain isn't responding they're very rare case in the world about this situation and most of then the patient lose their life so i hope you know what I'm saying but still we hope if he woke up before 24 hours then we can do something".

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