Am i a curse ? | Part Nine

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Author narration
Veronica clench her fist before storming out from there but those two soul will still into each other as Yn look away from him and pushed his body back make him stand up as she sat on the bed silence filled there as he clear his throat making her glance at him "You should go back to your chamber" he said but you disagree immediately you don't want leave until he answer your all queries he knows everything about you and now you want to know everything about him that related to you specially "No I'm not leaving until you tell what cruse she's talking about?!" You asked making him look at you "Listen Yn it's not the right time hmm please leave I'll tell you whenever i feel like it's time but not now" he sigh as you nodded if he's not ready to open up to you then you can't force him as you leave the chamber soon.

Jeongguk Pov
I heard the door closing indicating that she's gone my heart feel empty without her and it's wrong i can't do this i just can't let those emotions capturing me in them making me lose my mind and this night when we came so close , you looked at me like i took your breath away but you took my soul in your beautiful dark brown eyes i can't get full of them they're like two cups of wine filled in your eyes and i want to get drunk in them you were warpped in my arms so tight , i want to sit close to you that there's no space between us but there's a wall between us that you made and that's him "Taehyung" why you love him so much , what he has that i don't , it's because you met him before me that's it but you forget that we were destined to met and fall but you choose him over me you're snatching my happiness from me that i was longing to get but when they finally knocked on my door you came in with having him in your heart walking out if my chamber i walked up towards my Buttler chamber who's more a friend to me knocking on his chamber i wait for him to open the door soon the door opened revealing him "Jimin hyung!".[1]

Author narration
"So what's your problem is that Ms.Yn is your soulmate or she has a boyfriend that's your problem or you want her to reject so you can marry Ms.Veronica she's beautiful ig but she's kind of egoistic" he said making the younger look at him and shook his head "No that's not i mean i just want the answer why i had go through these , can't i live in peace i felt like nothing for her that time but know i feel everything it's feel like if i spent another second with her I'll explode will do something she doesn't like but I'll crave for more" he looking at Jimin as he eye at him weirdly "Do you listen yourself the Cold crown Prince who didn't give a damn about anyone is getting bottle up Cause his own mate want to distance herself from him" he said making him look away as he continues "look here my prince what you're feeling it's has to be happened she's your soulmate , your lover you'll feel love towards her and it's has to happend it meant to be happened but the way you said you promised her that you'll free once she married you and you become the king then you have to cover up your feelings in you , she chose to love her lover" he said as a sad chuckled left from Jeongguk lips "So there is no chance for me having her" he said as Jimin look at him he kept his hand on his shoulder "umm there's if you make her fall for you then she'll be with you and Taehyung will be out of the frame" he said grin at the younger making his shine in excitement "So i can have her" he asked making Jimin hummed at him "But you should have told her about the cruse it's her right to know" he said making Jeongguk sigh "I'll tell her once i feel like it's a right time" he said making him nod.

I wanted a lifetime you wanted it too , it would have been a beautiful story if there weren't three but two.

Me and you but not him

Morning | Yn Pov
Again dressing up in these heavy gown make hard for me to breath as i just sit there quietly waiting for the crown Prince to walk in so we can have our breakfast i can see Veronica dressing up so much she looks beautiful but it's too much and she look uncomfortable in those clothes but it's doesn't bother me again i see everyone standing up indicating that he's here as i stand up from my place but he look different today he doesn't cover his face today and his appearance was also different he usually wear black and red but today he wore a white dress that's look quite imedating on him and a red scarf on his neck it's like stars on night sky i don't when i see i feel a spark in me that i never felt before he sat down as everyone sat on there respective places as i did the same as we all started eating but then Queen Su-ha spoke "Today Veronica made the breakfast for everyone and it's delicious my child" she said as she smiled softly at Veronica who just look down shyly soon we heard Jeongguk speaking "You shouldn't have to do this Ms.Veronica you're our guest" he said while looking down at his food "I just wanted to thank everyone My Prince for treating me so well" she said as Jeongguk just scoff at her why he's so rude she just wanted to thank "Thank you so much Ms.Veronica it's really delicious" i said smiled softly at her that she didn't gave back but it's not like it effect me she really did a good job as we eat in silence but the Princess Marina "Mother would you like to play with me please" she said with her cute eyes begging towards Queen Su-ha "I'm sorry princess i have to show the palace to Ms.Veronica why don't you play with your Princess Yn" she inform her as the small child nodded while her head down i don't know what's happening in this palace why the Queen always see low at her and then she love her son so dearly why not Marina .

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