Chapter 8

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(Y/N) : Your Name.

After this strange lie, Mr. Wuggy took me back to my room and I went to bed. I don't know what to think... I have a bad feeling about it... It's true that some humans leave, but normally it's just because they have nothing left to analyze from them...


The next morning he picks me up as usual and I pass the treadmill test with a healthy heart, as he always says.

- What do you want to do now ? You have the rest of the day free. He asks me.
- I would like to stay with you...
- I have other patients to see, but I'll be back to see you in an hour.

I would have liked to stay with him, to try to discover this bad feeling... But well, so I decide to go back to my room alone and I take care of myself by taking a little nap, this sport has finished me...


- Wake up, (Y/N), I'm here...

I slowly open my eyes and I see Mr. Wuggy sitting next to me, damn, I overslept... Then I sit down next to him.

- Mister Wuggy...
- Call me Huggy, you know, I have very good news for you.
- What is that...?
- Your analyzes are almost finished, and as you have improved considerably lately, you will be able to join a much higher placed laboratory.
- What...?

It's not good news... I'm afraid... They'll send me to Playtime Co... And I don't know what they'll do to me there...

- I'll take care of everything, you'll be better housed, and someone else will take over p-
- N... No...! I don't want to leave...!
- Why...?
- I don't want to go there...! Never ! I want to stay here...! With you...! Forever...!

I'm going to lock myself in the bathroom, it's out of the question that I go to Playtime Co, I'm sure they continue their strange experiments on humans...!

- (Y/N), Open the door... He said behind.
- No...! I wouldn't go to Playtime Co...!
- What...? How do you know that...?
- I heard it...! I wouldn't go there ! I don't want to be experienced !
- Do not say stupid things...
- I wouldn't go there ! I do not want...!
- That's exactly why I'm asking you to open this door and trust me!

Trust...? Why...? He's playing me...! Of course he will betray me and send me to Playtime Co ! I don't have to listen to him anymore !

- No !
- They send healthy humans to Playtime to create other monsters to permanently get rid of all remaining humans in this world ! I'm one of the few who doesn't like this idea, so let me send you somewhere else !
- You're lying !
- A human is not normally allowed to stay here for more than a month, as your name is part of the next shipments, I would like to send you somewhere else just before !I'm serious !

Should I trust him...? I can...? But what if he... Betrayed me...? I love Monsieur Wuggy, I even love him a lot... But I'm scared... I don't want to become a monster...

- I... I'm scared... Mr. Wuggy...
- I know it... I'm sorry... I promise not to hurt you, I have no bad intentions... Trust me, one last time, please...

I slowly open the door, and with his usual smile, he does nothing special. He just comes join me, and takes me in his arms like a big stuffed animal.

- Mister Wuggy...
- Huggy is enough...
- I don't want to go to another lab either... Can I go somewhere where I can just have my own little room...? Without experience or test...?

He remains silent for a moment, he only answers a few minutes later.

- I think I have an idea.

I'm still going to trust him, I really like Mr. Wuggy, I'm sure he'll help me, and everything will be fine...

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