6- The Confession

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I sat on our sofa, ready for another movie night as Rosie came into view in the nightgown that I bought for her and her favourite avocado plushie. I smiled as I stared at her, making her blush and smile back shyly. Jennie and the others were currently looking at us with their eyebrows raised, but we took no notice as Chae sat down on me slowly and snuggled into my arms. I smiled contentedly, my eyes never leaving the person whom I love.

'Tired?' I whispered in Chaeyoung's ear as I felt her yawning against me, feeling comfortable as she adjusted herself so fittingly in my arms. She looked up into my eyes and nodded.

'Yes...' She whispered back, not wanting to disturb the others.

I smiled at as I softened my tight arms around her, making her shift to a more comfortable posture in my arms as she smiled at me. I took my hand out and softly caressed her hair. 'You're so beautiful...' I mumbled.

'Oh my god soo, your words are making me crazy...' She whined and I let out a soft giggle. She pulled me impossibly closer to her, kissing me passionately as I responded with my eyes closed. 'Goodnight Hon.' She whispered as she closed her eyes.

'Goodnight, Love.' I kissed her forehead.

'Did you just kiss??' Momo was the first to react in the small group as I nodded, amused by their reactions.

'Yes, why are you all looking at me as if I just chopped her hair off??' I asked jokingly as I received a slap on my arm. 'Ow! What was that for?'

'When did it happen? Who confessed? Huh? Why didn't you tell us??' Jennie looked like she was about to burst as I was desperately rubbing the spot that she hit me.

'Oh my god slow down! It just happened and I confessed.'

'HOW DID IT HAPPEN??' They all yelled, and Rosie stirred a bit before I pulled her closer to me, deafening their yells. God, why are they so loud? Usually I'm the loudest, but I honestly can't help it when Rosie's here and asleep in my arms.

Oh god...

'Oh shut up! Give me a second and I'll tell you when I'm back, okay??' I scoffed and they nodded as I gently swept Rosie up bridal styled, slowly walking to my bedroom, using my foot to open my door.

I smiled, losing myself in Rosie's beautiful figure as she nuzzled in my neck. I softly placed her on my bed, pulling up the blanket as I kissed her forehead, closing the lights. 'Sleep well, beautiful. I'll be back...' I gave Rosie one last loving glance, and tiptoed out of my room. I walked back to the girls.

'Explain. Now.' Seulgi said with her folded arms as everyone nodded, but nothing could hide how her eyes shone brightly. I looked at them before I sighed again.

'So...uhm...uh... you all already know that I fell for her not long after the time that she fell sick...I was confused, I thought I went crazy. I've always thought that Soojoo was the one, but with Chaeng...I can't explain it. I thought I was going insane. You guys helped me figure out that I'm in love with her, and I didn't believe I actually was before...before I found myself nearly suffering a cardiac attack whenever she's near me. With her...I never felt that with Soojoo. And it went to the point that she was literally everywhere, in the house with me, clinging to me, hugging me, heck, I even saw her before I close my eyes! I see her in my dreams...god, there isn't a place where she isn't with me. I literally hated myself, so much, for falling so deep in love with a girl which I've always ever seen as a sister. I went out in the rain to clear out my mind, to yell out my frustrations because I like- no, I love her. And the next thing I knew, I found a pair of arms around me and I didn't have to even look as I knew it was her. Her. And then I felt myself lost in her eyes, before I couldn't handle it anymore and kissed her. And that's my love story guys, please like and subscribe to join my little fam, share if you like it. Okay, bye and see you next time—' I was making jokes as I felt myself getting another blow in the arm by Jennie. 'Will you cut it out?' I grumbled.

'That was...the most romantic thing I've ever heard. Gosh unnie, you fell hard.' Sana was wiping fake tears from her eyes and I chuckled at her.

'Well...I did.'

'Thank us later.' Momo winked and left with everyone, making me whip around into the face of the one and only, Park Chaeyoung. I blushed as I hid my head in the crook of her neck as she hugged me.

'Did you...did you really mean what you just said?' Rosie asked in a small voice. I still couldn't let my head rise, so I nodded against her. In a swift moment, Rosie had cupped my face up and forced me to look into her eyes. Once again, I felt myself lost in those beautiful hazels. But what stunned me more was that tears were currently pouring down her eyes, which made me wonder whether I had or hadn't said the wrong thing. She smashed her lips against mine, kissing me madly, passionately, and gently all at the same time. I didn't waste a single second before kissing her back.

'Of course I meant what I said. It took me too long to realise that I don't care how many Soojoos are in this world, I can't even afford to lose one Park Chaeyoung.' I said softly as I pulled away from the kiss, making her smile shyly as she looked down.

'I love you too...I always had been in love with you and I've never fell out since.' Rosie said in an even smaller voice, Unknowingly revealing something to me. My eyes widened in surprise as I realised what she just said.

'Wait. Does that mean...wait. Oh my god no wonder you didn't want me proposing to her! Oh my god!! Oh my god oh my god oh my god!' I jumped up and down like a child, laughing out loud in happiness as I just found out that the love of my life had a crush on me for years. I calmed myself down and found my hand once again cupping Rosie's face, making her look into my eyes. I pecked her lips gently and lingered there for a few seconds before pulling away, wiping our tears. 'I'm sorry.'

'For what?'

'For hurting you. I must've hurt you when I was with Soojoo. Why didn't you tell me?' I asked sadly and looked at her with sad puppy eyes as my smiley lips turned into a pout.

'You wouldn't have chosen me, Jisoo, and I didn't want to ruin our friendship.' She sighed and smiled at me.

'No, don't call me that!' I pouted again, making her face turn amused.

'Well then what should I call you??' She teased in a soft tone, caressing my brown locks gently as she moved closer to kiss them.

'Well I don't know about you, but you're my hon, my baby, my babe, my queen, my honey, my baby girl, my little chipmunk, my sweetheart, my valentine, my love, my world, my universe, my everything, my darling and the love of my life.' I said, smiling as her chipmunk cheeks turned adorably red.

'God, how did you become as sweet as this?? I can't believe Kim Jisoo just said all those things without being shy. I'm flattered.' She fanned herself as she mumbled.

'Wise men say. 

Only fools rush in, but I can't help. 

Falling in love, with you. 

Shall I stay, would it be a sin, but I, can't help. 

Falling in love with you. 

Like a river flows, surely to the sea, darling so it goes, somethings, are meant to be. 

So take my hand. Take my whole life too, for I, can't help.

 Falling in love, with you. 

Like a river flows, surely to the sea, darling so it goes, some things, are meant to be. 

Take my hand. 

Take my whole life too, for I can't help. 

Falling in love, with you. For I can't help. 

Falling in love, with you.' I sang without music, my husky voice making the melody even more sweet to hear. I learnt this song just for her, I knew this is her favourite.


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