Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Just telling you that this chapter is pretty steamy...


"Hey, Ashley." I heard someone say as they plopped down next to the door like me.

I turned around and saw the one and only Britney Song. I'm confused! Do I not like her from trying to get in my shirt? Or do I love her for that?

"Aren't you gonna say something?" She laughed.

"Hi." I simply say.

"What's wrong? You seem sad for just having your first make out session. Am I right or am I right?" She said, and I simply nodded in response.

She rose her eyebrow and scooted closer, "Will this make you feel better?" She said as she gently kissed me, brushing her delicate lips across mine.

Britney, I want you so badly. I thought. It was true, Britney's touch could make a girl go crazy, wanting for more.

I finally, after all of my struggling to get away, gave in. When she saw that I left myself to her, she gently touched my thigh and I whimpered in delight when started rubbing it.

"Hm! Am I interrupting something here, ladies?" My next teacher, Mrs. Lancaster, said.

Yes, you are! She was just getting to the good part!
"E-e-excuse us, Mrs. L-L-Lancaster." I stuttered.

I looked at Britney who just rolled her eyes. I walked in class and took my seat. Ugh. I wish Britney were in this class...


Ugh! I can't believe that fucking teacher interrupted me and Ashley. We need to be alone. I know just what to do...

I searched the girl dorms for Lue, the Dorm Administrator. Then I found her by dorm 132.

"Hey, Lue!" I said.

"Oh, no! Dear Lord help this child! Not only is she a delinquent, but she gone insane!" Lue yelled out when she saw me.

As you can see, Lue and I don't have great a history... That may be because I sort of set of stink bombs in her office... sixteen times...

"No, Lue, it's okay. I just need help. Can you find me Ashley Griffin's dorm? She said she left my stencil there. She used it to make a design but I want it back." I smoothly lied.

"Oh. Oh, that girl is nothing but a saint! Nice girl. She's in room 103. Don't vandalize anything!" She said, handing me a key.

Room 103. Room 103. Room 103. Ah! Here it is! Now to get to work...


Ugh! Finally! I'm over with my first day of school! I'm so tired. Might as well go to the dorm.

I walked to the door and passed Lue, the Dorm Administrator. I waved to her with a smile. I finally approached my dorm. Dorm sweet dorm! I got out my key and opened it up.

I went inside and see candles, rose petals, ... and a naked Britney. I dropped my bag and stood there open mouthed. She's so beautiful, I need her, but am I ready?

"Britney..." I panted as I studied her body.

"Come here, Ashley." She motioned.

I went up to her as she caressed my cheek, "You're so beautiful. I've wanted you since I saw you. Now we're all alone." She whispered sexily, which got me so turned on.

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