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Vikram's Office, AK Group Ahemdabad

Vikram's Office, AK Group Ahemdabad

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17th July 2022, 4:00 pm

The whole situation was worrisome. Vikram was pacing the length of his office back and forth with his stomach in knots. He was torn between his duty towards his employees and his love for his friend. If he lets his employees know about the footage, it will put Anupama in a jeopardy and if he doesn't then it will be unfair to his employees and his company. He knew only one person could help him with this and it was time to tell him. He picked up his phone to call him when he heard a knock on the door.

Vikram :- Come in

It was Ishika.

Vikram:- Ishika what are you still doing here?

Ishika:- Sir I stayed because I thought you might need something.

Vikram:- It's can go home....It's don't need to be in office.

Ishika:- Sir...

Vikram:- Yes

Ishika:- Ms Joshi seems to be a pretty decent woman and I know she didn't do it but if you keep hiding this from your employees and they come to know through someone else...then it might affect your credit in the company.

Vikram sighed.

Vikram:- I understand your concern Ishika....but you don't have to worry about it. The only thing you need to make sure is that they don't hear it from you...Got it?

Ishika:- Sure sir....I should take your leave now...

Vikram nodded and Ishika turned and walked out of his office.

Vikram went back to his desk and called Anuj but his phone was not reachable. He called again but still no answer.

Vikram (to himself):- It's 7 in the morning there so there is no chance he would be in office. I should probably call GK.

He called GK and he picked up.

Over the call...

Vikram:- Hello...

GK:- Haan are you maan?

Vikram:- I am good GK....aap kaise hai?

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