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Nadia scratched her palm nervously when she got in the front of 'home of recipes' building, she wouldn't have been here, but Abdallah encouraged her to give it a try. she didn't know why he has changed these past days, she just hopes it's for good.

"you can do it" Abdallah said reassuring her as they both ambulated towards the inner part of the building where the contest will be held.

Nadia registered in the backstage with other contestants from other countries, they were about 25 in numbers, and only 5 will make it to the final stage where the first, second and third places will be picked.

The organizers assigned a unique number to each of the contestant which they will be addressed as throughout the competition which will last for 3 days.

Each of the contestant including Nadia stood in front of the individual black marble counter top which had different ingredients and materials arranged on it, they were also some other food stuffs in the cabinet beneath.

The first stage of the competition consists of preparing a dish with the given ingredients on the countertop, but before it begins, all the contestants were asked to introduce themselves to the judges and audience.

Nadia heard intros from different individuals from Egypt, Greece, India, USA, Algeria, Croatia, Italy and many more,

"contestant No 12" one of the judges said, the spotlight stopped in front of Nadia's face, making all the participants and audience turn to her direction, "tell us your name and why you think you will win this competition" the female judge who looked like someone from one of the Arab countries said holding the mic very close to her mouth,

"my name is Nadia Suleiman" she felt nervous at first because she wasn't used to talking in front of alot of people who all had their gaze focused on her, but as soon she started speaking, she felt much better, "I think I'll win this competition because I've the potential, and I'm ready to put my best in it" she said earning an accolade from the audience of about 100 people who sat row by row behind the stage,

"that's a wonderful reply" the judge said nodding her head before opening another page of the white stack of papers she was holding,

"thank you" Nadia mouthed,

"if you were to win, who will be the first person to congratulate you?" the judge asked, Nadia racked her brain , and she couldn't find any other suitable answer,

"my husband" she replied earning a few 'awwns' from the audience,

"is he here now?" the judge asked,

"yes he is" she smiled,

"Nadia Suleiman's husband, if you are seated here can you please stand up" the judge said, few seconds passed with audience looking around to spot who the question was directed to,

Abdallah stood up from where he was seated smiling, he waved his hand as everyone applauded him. Watching Abdallah smiling in the midst of the crowd, the time, and everything around seems to stop for Nadia, it felt like it was only her and him standing with no one else around, she doesn't understand what he's doing to her this past days.

Initially, she thought enclosing herself will make her overcome the trauma easily because that's what she did when she lost her family, but now she knew it was very wrong.

The judge continued with the questioning of the remaining thirteen participants after Abdallah sat down. About an hour passed before the judges started reminding the participant about the dos and don'ts of the contest. The first stage was to last for five hours where 10 people will be picked,

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