Chapter 3

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A week has passed after Athanasia's Debut. The Royal family (excluding Jenette) is stressed and panicking because Diana's due date has passed but she still hasn't given birth yet. 

"c-c-claude, i t-think my w-water b-b-broke". 

"Felix, call the midwife and the royal doctor". 

Claude and Athanasia wait putside pacing back and forth because they are anxious. It has passed two hours and their is no news and the only sound is Diana screaming from pain. Claude wants to go in and assist Diana but Athanasia, Felix, Lily, and Lucas stop him. 

Finally, they hear a babies cry and they are allowed in when the midwife exits the room. When they enter the room, they see Diana passed out on the bed with the baby right next to her on the bed. Lucas goes over and examines the empress

"Your majesty and your highness, the empress is healthy. She is just exhausted from giving birthed and passed out. She will come back in her senses in about 3-4 hours". 

"Thanks, Lucas for all that you did". 

"No problem princess". 

With that, Lucas leaves the room. Felix and Lily stand in the corner and try to look at the baby. Athanasia goes to the bed and picks up the baby gently, trying not to disturb her brother. Claude is right by Diana, carrasing her forehead and thanking her for their second child. 

"Daddy, what should we name him". 

"i don't know. Lets wait for when your mom wakes up and let her make the decision". 

"Ok, daddy. Felix and lily, do you want to see the baby". 

"C-Can we princess". 

"Of course, come here". 


In the Alpheus Mansion

Roger gets a letter from the spy he planted in the palace 10 years ago that the empress has given birth to a boy. 

Roger then tosses the letter in the firepit in anger because now he has no chance on making Jenette the empress and his son the emperor. He makes a plan and is going to try to assasinate the baby. 

Jenette enters the room. 

"Uncle. Uncle. I heard that the empress has given birth to my brother. How am i supposed to win Daddy's heart now that there are two of them". 

"Don't worry. The crown, the empire, and the kings heart will be yours very soon". 

Unknown to them, a couple of years ago, Athanasia has planted recording gems all around their house for evidence to be against them when she used to pretend to be Ijikiel's playmate. 

Athanasia and Lucas are happy that they have evidence and plans that they can prevent and disown their family from a dukal family to a commoner family. 

Athanasia goes back to their parents room and finds her mom awake. She dashes to her mom and her brother. 

"Mommy, what will brother's name be". 

"Hmm, i don't know. Do you have a name for your brother". 


"What is it"

"How about Arius. It has the same meaning like mine, immortal". 

"baby, that is perfect". 

"Whats perfect". 

"Athanasia thought of a wonderful name for our son" 

"let me guess, hmmm, Arius". 

"Wow Daddy/Claude how did you know". 

"I was thinking of naming him that". 

"Wow, we have the same minds daddy". 

"I'll make a official birth certificate for Arius de alger obelia, the second heir to the throne". 

"I'm still the heir". 

"Yes, athy. You have been training for a long time and i don't want it all to go to waste. Your brother will become a shinning knight to protect you from harm".

"Thanks, daddy". 

They were talking all day long and they all slept in the same room. They only woke up in the middle of the night because Arius was hungry but they didn't mind it. 

A/N- Just for clarfications, Athanasia wasn't reincarnated nor did she come back in the past. Thanks for reading and being patient when the next updates were taking long. 

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