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"Why does this flight have to leave at 5 A.M." Austin whined, laying down in Jasmin's lap.

It was 3:00 in the morning, everything was dark outside but bright and loud inside in the waiting area. Everyone was sitting down on the chairs that were by the bathroom, not only that, Jerome couldn't get a peaceful sleep in because he kept getting woken up by the sounds of toilets flushing obnoxiously and repeatedly. He was annoyed, at everything including himself. He didn't know why he agreed to come on this trip forgetting he would have to wake up early. Out of the whole group, he and Kimberly were the one's awake.

Kimberly came out of the bathroom fixing her shirt as she went to sit by Jerome. They talked for a little while, until she saw Kingston. Jerome followed behind her, after she went to hug him, but once she moved out of the way, his heart sank, he got butterflies in his stomach, and his mind started to race at the same time. He remembered the circular glasses, the skin, the face, the style and everything about Kingston all together. That was the same guy he saw by the punch at the party a couple of days ago.

"Kingston, this is Jerome, and Jerome this is Kingston Johnson." She said standing in between the two.

"Hi." Kingston greeted, as he smiled, holding his hand out politely.

"Hi..." Jerome breathed shyly, managing a smile on his face. He couldn't get over the way he looked, even the way he talked. Even though this is their first time meeting, his voice sounded like heaven to his ears.

"Where do I put my luggage?" Kingston asked, raising his bags up under each arm.

"Over there." Jerome pointed, directing him to the sleeping friends. "You can put them next to Kimberly's, it's the beige bag."

Kimberly stared at Jerome letting out a little slick smile. "So what was that?"

Jerome noticed her staring at him and sighed before he shifted his gaze back upon Kingston. "It's nothing..." He lied.

"Didn't seem like nothing."

"You remember how I told you about the guy at the party I saw?"

Kimberly nodded her head in silence.

"That's him."

Her face grew from slick to surprised. "I...Kingston was the guy?"


She chuckled. "Wait, hold on. Please tell me you're not just using him for a random hookup."

"No, no, no. I just...want to get to know him more. That's all."

"If that's the case, then maybe sit by him on the plane."

"I'll be asleep on the plane." He whined.

"Well, you could try talking to him now maybe." She smiled nudging him towards Kingston.

Jerome never was this nervous about dating before. Even back in highschool, he was never nervous about dating, kissing, fucking. It all just seemed so natural to him. He managed to walk over there and sit next to him. He looked around his surroundings nervously before managing to strike up a conversation.

" do you know Kimberly?" Jerome asked nervously.

"She was in my English Class. She's kind of my only friend in that class really." Kingston laughed.

"Oh." Jerome replied, still sounding shy and surprised at the same time.

"But she talks a lot about you."

Oh shit, Jerome thought. He looked over at Kimberly who was sleeping.

"What does she say?"

"Nothing bad, just more about your personality."


About two hours passed, the boys dozed off. The good part was that Jerome got to know the important things about Kingston. He majored in business, originally from New York, born in 1972, which means they were around the same age, he was just a month older.

" to Barbados, now departing..." Was all Jerome heard before he was fully conscious. He woke up to see Kingston sleeping on his shoulder. His face grew of worry. The butterflies were there again, he saw everyone slowly getting up about to board the plane except for Kingston.

"H-hey..." Jerome whispered, moving his shoulder up and down. "We're about to leave." Jerome stood up, holding his hand out trying to help Kingston up while he was struggling to open his bloodshot eyes.

Jerome grabbed his things with Kingston following behind him.

"You good?" Jerome asked, looking at Kingston who was stumbling over to where you would think he's drunk.

"Yeah." Kingston groaned barely keeping his things together.

"Let me get that for you." Jerome nervously offered to take one of Kingston's blue bags on his back.

Kingston eventually caught up to Jerome and looked at him. His eyes were still low but a smile taken over his face. Jerome looked over then quickly tried to find something else to look at, but in his mind, Kingston had the cutest smile.

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