part 10

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A/n: Flashback Time Lol Two Days Ago Also A Make Out Section Continue

Skeppy's POV

I wake up to find my head resting on bad's lap I remember what happened I was rejected in the worse way possible I sit up and felt bad moving behind me I blush when I realize where bad was positioned he put his head on my shoulder and whispered "of course I love you silly" he then kissed my cheek and then my neck and he starts to bite and leave hickeys I am not a bottom and this wasn't the way things were gonna go if I had anything to do about it I flip him over and started to kiss him long ones too I make it where he could barely move I was on top of him my right leg on his crotch he only got harder and harder as time went by I started to kiss his neck and leave hickeys which caused him to moan I little bit I loved those sweet sounds after a little I sat both of us up I watched as he fell asleep on my chest he was sitting on the hole of my lap as I was sitting criss-cross I was holding his head with my right hand and hug him with my left hand I loved this he's still hard tho I kiss his forehead before laying down

A/n: Today Day Six

Dream's POV

I wake up to find George's head laying on my crotch and he was cuddling up to my left leg I blush because I can feel his head move his face is now right on my dick I get hard not long after I wake up George and he starts to wrongly accuse me of trying to rape him "yo-you how DARE YOU TRY TO DO SUCH UNSPEAKABLE THINGS TO A PRINCE" he yells at me he starts backing up I chase him until he is cornered he starts to cry saying "n-NO I REFUSE TO LET THIS HAPPEN I-i refuse" having several voice cracks from crying he's scared I noticed he starts falling forward I catch him and lift him up he is light he was always light he had fainted but not passed out he's crying confused he's really scared I'm still holding him I push him closer to me and hug him my hands are on his ass well he had wrapped his legs around my waist and put his arms around my neck for a better grip I take him back into the bed where I carefully place him down he turned to his right my left and cried until I cupped his chin and kissed his forehead which calmed him down there I laid down next to him I pull him closer to me so close that his back was touching my chest there I rub his stomach until he fell asleep

Sapnap's POV

I hadn't seen Karl in awhile I go to check on him in my room I had been out on a mission that was assigned to me thankfully that finished I saw only one guard in front of the room instead of two "hey guard Sam" I said to the guard that's actually on his post "hey Sapnap we need to talk" he said looking odd we walk off and I ask "hey something wrong" "there's a spy" he said I replied with "how do you know wai-" he cuts me off saying "Eret's the spy I know this because I over heard him and one of the maids talking about rescuing karl I don't know which maid is the spy I told Karl to act scared when facing a maid or guard Eret because of this" I was stunned one of my favorite staff members was the spy and that there where two spys I told guard Ponk "get back on you're post okay I'll deal with this" he nodded and I went to tell King Quackity the information I just learned

5 minutes later

"KING QUACKITY KING QUACKITY" I practically scream "why are you screaming annoying one" he said upset that I was screaming it didn't matter tho as I told him "I found out information on the traitor the spy" the looked surprised and ask "tell me everything" so I said "Guard Eret is one of the spys one of the maids is the other spy" King Quackity Looked happy I noticed the two never got along so I could understand why "a maid is the spy huh who told you that Eret and a maid were the spys" He said "Guard Ponk we have none each other since we were five he can't lie to me even if it kills him" I said "GUARD PONK GET HERE RIGHT NOW" King Quackity yelled he came not to long after "yes sir" Ponk said "I order you to get every maid in this castle to come right here now" King Quackity told Sam and he did that

30 minutes later

"I'm back sir" Ponk said he had brought back like sixteen people his was a big castle so no wonder "which one do you recognize Ponk" King Quackity said and Sam caug on immediately after I did this was a trick question who ever looked the most concerned would be taken and told to admit what they did if it was being a spy then they would get a punishment from the king of it were something else they would be let go this was a common trick only the most trusted by the king was told there was a spy so none of them would know there was a spy among them except for the spys so we ended up with three people I took them to the dungeon one at a time after the first person was in the dungeon I irrigated them they said she fell asleep on the job  while back and thought she got caught I told her she was innocent and to go back to her job and I thanked her for being honest she was a really nice person same thing happened with the next person he admitted to something completely else

Then we got to the last maid Sam and he was scared he was crying and before I could say anything he said "I'M SORRY PLEASE DON'T EXECUTE ME ERET BLACKMAILED ME I NEVER WANTED TO BE A SPY HE SAID IF A TOLD ANYONE THEN HE WOULD KILL ME PLEASE HE JUST WANTED THE SHARE OF MONEY I WAS GONNA GET AND THE MONEY HE WAS GONNA GET" that told me everything I used the walkie-talkie I was given to get Ponk over here he calmed down and I told him everything I knew Ponk had a crush on Sam and he was heartbroken to find out Sam was the spy but he was more mad at the fact that Sam was blackmailed by Eret and he told me to tell King Quackity everything but that Ponk was not to blame and I did so King Quackity was furious and had a public execution but made sure that Eret wasn't told he also did punish Sam for not telling anyone sooner Sam was fired until King Quackity thought he deserved his position back and was turned into a captive and had Ponk be the one to watch over Sam also promoted Ponk into a Ninja-in-training I congratulated him and watched as Guard Ponk picked up Sam which made him flustered and King Quackity made a announcement of the new Ninja-in-training which would be trained by us

Words 1292

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