Chapter XIII. "Christmas Holiday PT.2"

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"What Sayla doesn't know, is that she just came face to face with Fenrir Greyback..."


After spending the majority of her time with Vera skateboarding, getting high, and exploring the latest abandoned buildings, Sayla finally feels ready to speak with Fred. Which shouldn't be too hard to accomplish, seeing as to the fact that Christmas is today.

"Mummm, the Lupin's are 'ere!" Ginny shouts into the house as she opens the door for Sayla and Remus.

"Don't go shouting like that in my house." Molly huffs, hurrying down the stairs and welcoming Remus and his daughter into the house. "How's the school year been so far? Different?"

"Quite different." Remus nods. "Everyone is on edge. Rightfully so, of course. Dumbledore is beginning to concern me a little bit."

"Oh?" Molly tries not to sound too shocked.

"He's reckless." Sayla says for her father. Remus nods. "Instead of assuring the students that the war is nothing they--as children--should worry about, he's encouraging them to 'do what's right.'"

"Dumbledore is a mysterious man..." Molly trails off, trying to think of any way to defend him. "I'm sure he has his reasoning."

"His reasoning is not sound, Molly." Remus says quietly. "He is losing his regard for human life. He's losing his regard for his own life. All he's focused on his taking down you-know-who. And of course, we need to put a stop to him but Merlin, I fear Dumbledore has lost his sanity."

Before more can be said on the issue, Harry enters the room: "Prof---Remus. I didn't know you would be here!"

"Hello, Harry." Remus greets James' son. No matter how many times he sees the boy, he is always taken aback at the similarity. "How has the term been treating you?"

"Quite well." Harry replies, although, there appears to be something else he wants to say. Before he can, though, Ron nails him in the back of the head with a biscuit, laughing his ass of when it leaves a big frosting stain on Harry's neck. "Hey! What was that for?"

"Boys..." Molly shakes her head disapprovingly.

"Right, well I'm gonna go see what Fred and George are doing." Sayla announces, turning to walk up the stairs. She reaches the twins room and does not have to knock since the door is open. "Happy Christmas to you two tossers."

"Happy Christmas to you, too, Lupin." George responds, lazily sending a paper air-plane out the window with his wand.

"How's break been?" Sayla inquires.

"Alright." Fred says, he's tossing a bouncy ball up and down. "You know, just working and such. What about you?"

"Good." Sayla replies, not specifying why. "I've been thinking...we should probably talk, don't you reckon?"

"Yeah..." Fred sighs.

"Have I done something?" Sayla inquires, not caring the George is in the room. He probably knows all about this, anyways. "I just feel as though you're upset with me...or something."

"No, no, nothing like that." Fred responds quickly. "Look, I meant to say sorry for...y'know. I just freaked myself out is all."

"How?" Sayla crosses her arms. "I don't understand what's happening between us."

"Don't get mad." Fred says suddenly. "Promise you won't."

"I'm not going to make a promise I can't keep."

"It's just I was thinking about the future, you know? And I got to talking with Lee and he made a valid point about I know you have a really rough time with it every month." Fred continues. "When we were doing it I just got really scared that you somehow were gonna be pregnant and the kid would be, you know, a werewolf. I don't know if I could parent a werewolf. That seems daunting but I shouldn't know. I'm sorry."

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