Ryoto's New Familiar

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The Day was like Any other except Ryoto remained Wondering what the Fallen Was Talking about.

Ryoto:'What has Mom been hiding from me?'

Ryoto was Relaxing In Class until He decided to the O.R.C Until student Council arrives.

Sona:hello Rias

Rias:hello sona.

Issei was Surprised By the Arrival of the Student Council And Asked rias About it.

Rias:Her real name Is Sona Sitri,She's a Devil from the house Of Sitri And Those on the council are actually her Peerage.

Sona's Pawn,Saji Acts Arrogant And Says That he's not Surprised That issei Isn't trusted with Info.

Sona:It's not polite to interfere with the Affairs With the Affairs of Other households.

After That,Rias And Sona introduced their Newest Piece To each Other And Issei Is surprised to meet another Pawn.

Issei:You're a pawn,Too?That Makes us Twins,Dude.


Issei:AM NOT!

Saji Suddenly Began talking In A VERY Arrogant Voice With A Smirk.

Saji:Can it D-bag,You and Gag of Slutty Sluts Don't Even deserve to be in the same Room as A Devil like The distinguished Sitris.


Saji:Aw He's Mad,Not even Gay Prince Charming Could do Anything,I Took Up 4 Pawn Pieces Bro.

Sona:He took Up 8 Pieces,So You should get your Facts Straight.

Saji looked At sona With A face that reads "Your Joking Right?" And looked at issei With A Surprised Face and called Him A Nut-bag As Issei told him to shut Up but than,Sona Saw Ryoto And Asked Him Something.


Ryoto turned To face Sona and Saw her and her Queen With their Usual Neutral Face.


Sona:I told It's Ms.Shitori But Since You know now about Us,Call me Ms.Sitri,alright?

Ryoto decided to explain That he was already aware of them being devils since Day 1 and Just Didn't Say anything to not blow their Cover.

Sona:well,That was Kind of You And It Actually Makes Sense Now As you always were Something.....Entirely different from Normal humans.

Ryoto chuckles About how That's due to his father.

Soon,The two Devil Heiresses Suggested to play a Game Of Dodgeball where The Winner As Ryoto became Referee and During that Game,Issei Got a dodgeball to his manhood.

Asia decided to go Heal him while the Game Resumed And koneko Got Saji In the exact Same Spot.

Pretty soon,It came clear who won And that's Gremory Who went to the Familiar Forest And Saw the Familiar Master.

Pretty soon,It came clear who won And that's Gremory Who went to the Familiar Forest And Saw the Familiar Master

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Ryoto:He looks Ash Who didn't become Master And did crack.

The Familiar Master introduced As Zatouji and Asked them all one thing.

Zatouji:so what familiar do you seek?

Issei:One That Can Pleasure Their Master,Please!

Ryoto Knocks his out with A hit on the Forehead and Simply Says this.....

Ryoto:Ignore the Creep but Anyways,I'm Ryoto Takashi.

Zatouji Was Surprised but kept it to himself As Everyone Went different Ways to get their Familiars And Ryoto Went to find ANY Familiar That Can Be Strong for him until he Ran into a Girl who's power was incredible.

Zatouji Was Surprised but kept it to himself As Everyone Went different Ways to get their Familiars And Ryoto Went to find ANY Familiar That Can Be Strong for him until he Ran into a Girl who's power was incredible

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Ryoto Goes Closer Towards Her With A Feel Of intensity In the Air As they stare At One another until.....

??:you feel Stronger Than that loli and Red boy.

Ryoto:'Loli?Red Boy?'What do you mean?

??:Ophis And Great Red.

Ryoto just stays staring at her until he Realized who she is And that Is The trihexa beast,The creature on par with His Sister,Ophis And Brother,Red...So Ryoto Asks A Ballsy Question.

Ryoto:Well......That's Interesting,Do you wanna Be My Familiar?

He Was Expecting to be Blasted but not Expecting this.....

Trihexa:Why yes I do,Son of Abyss.

Ryoto was Surprised but Happy and Thanked her as well as told her his Name But.......

Trihexa:Takashi?You're a Takashi?


Trihexa:That's Remarkable!Who's Your Mother?

Ryoto was Still Confused As to why his Family name meant anything but complied.

Ryoto:Yuki Takashi.

Trihexa:YUKI?!That's Incredible!You're The Son Of The Dragon All Father Abyss And The Most Deadliest Unbeatable Mercenary In The Supernatural World,Yuki Takashi.

Ryoto Turned White As he had to process what he Just Heard about His mother.

Ryoto:.......Mom's a WHAT?!

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