Chapter 18

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Sulli's Pov

Ugh! I'm going out with my ex-boyfriend here! Wait… why am I so tense? I mean we're just hanging out...

Plus! We already broke up! And its impossible for him to fall for me! Wait… why am I talking like this?! I don't even care anymore.

So I decided to wear jeans, crop top  and converse. Tied my hair in ponytail. Put my lip gloss, then Done!

I got downstairs with minho waiting…

"Shall we go my lady?" He said with his british accent

"British does'nt suit you."

"Yeah, I suck."

I just chuckled...


In the car is totally quiet and of course AWKWARD!, I can only hear our breathing!

"So uhm how's life?"

"Great now that we are in good terms."

"Oh... so I plan to go the park."

"Yeah sure."

Minutes later...

"I don't see this a park." I said

"That's because what you see is an amusement park." He said

Then I lit up in excitement!

"Waahh! I can't believe we're here!"

He laughed.

"I thought you wanted some fresh air." He said then kissed my forehead.

he k-kissed me? O_o


"Let's go!"


So we have tried almoat all the rides here and I can say I'm getting a bit dizzy.

"Let's ride that one Sul!" He said like a kid

"I don't think I can do it."

"Ohh! Its just a ferris wheel!"

Then I looked at the ferris wheel his saying and my eyes widened...


"Hell no! I won't go in there!" I said

"Aww c'mon Sul!" He said pleading with his puppy eyes

"That won't get me."

You know what the ferris wheel is all about?

Its for lovers! Where they kiss when they get on top!

"We're just gonna ride it!"

"No! Minho let's go home... I'm tired"

Even if I'm not. -_-||

"If you don't ride with me..."

"I'll kiss you." He added

Oh ok... wait what?!


"You heard me."

"Still no."

"If you don't ride with me... I'll court you"

Wait... is he blackmailing me?

"Alright, go ahead. But still I won't ride that ferris wheel."

Then he immediately leaned to kiss me. And I stood there frozen.


Then I pushed him. He almost fell but gained balance.

"What was that?!" He shouted

"W-why did you k-kiss m-me?"

"You said go ahead, why will you stop me?"

"I t-thought you w-were'nt serious."

"Do you think I'm joking? So, C'mon?"


"Ferris wheel."

I sigh...


Then Minho Smiled....




"I j-just wanna tell you that..."


"I'm serious of what I said earlier."


"I mean, courting you... again"


"Sulli, I promise I'll do better this time."

"No one can go our way if we stand for each other, if we face problems together."

"Nothing can ruin our way is we both are willing to love without secrets."

"I hope you give me this second chance and if you will, I promise I won't waste it."

"And I have no plans to hurt you, if we trust each other. I have no plans of letting you go... ever."

After he said those, my heart kept pounding like it wants to get out of my chest!

"U-uh M-minho I'll think about it."

"Alright. I'm not rushing you. Remember Sulli I love you, always have and always will."



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