Chapter 10

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"Alright Class, I have an announcement" said ma'am jennie

"Ma'am what announcement?"asked luna

"We will be having our practice Luna" said ma'am jennie

"Practice? About what ma'am?" Asked Krystal

"Thank you for asking Miss Krystal, we will be practicing a partner dancing, cause our school has a program called PROM." Said ma'am jennie

Some of the girls were giggling.While the boys were already making choices of who they will pick.

"All right gentlemen pick the woman of your choice." Said ma'am jennie

The boys that went to sulli were too many.Taemin,Key,Jonghyun,Minho, and Chanyeol were there.And then Sulli raised her hand.

"Ma'am Jennie, How will I pick?" Asked Sulli

"Oh Sulli you have a lot of admirers and would like to be your partner.All right boys better reach your hands to sulli and sulli hold there hands of who you will pick" said ma'am jennie

Sulli then picked....

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