i saved you the last cookie.

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wednesdays, in the triplets' opinion, is the best day of the week.

it's not monday where everything is exhausting and you still have the blues. it's not thursday where the weekends feel so close yet so far and you start to feel all burnt out. it's in the middle, where things are just nice. the weekdays have settled in and the weekends aren't so close. 

it's also because cookie wednesdays. every wednesday, their beloved mother will bake them cookies. however, on days where mary lou was too busy to bake the cookies herself, she used to buy them from the store. the triplets never noticed — frankly, you could serve them oreos on a tray and they'd believe it was homemade.

to say they loved wednesdays would be a major understatement. they used to run out of the school bus, tugging and pushing each other just to be the first in line for delicious cookies. chris himself owns one or two scars from getting shoved by a feral matthew while racing for the cookies. until this day chris thinks it was totally uncalled for — matt believes it was extremely necessary. 

on one particular wednesday however — matt didn't seem enthusiastic for cookie wednesday. while nick and chris tugged and shoved, banging spoons against plates, matt was too busy sulking in his room to care. frail little boy sat under a pile of blankets, wrapping the cotton material around him like a burrito. he stared at the lines indicating the triplets' height growth on the wall for what felt like hours. he actually only spent approximately twenty minutes sulking, but for an energetic eight year old boy ; that's hours.

he stared and stared — only ever moving his eyes to blink. little gears in his little head spun, trying to process what just happened in school. arielle and matt had a fight — they never fought. like, ever! matt was internally freaking out. were they still best friends? does arielle still want to play with him? will she want to talk to him ever again? possibilities after possibilities ran in his head. it certainly was too much for a little kid.

amidst matt's wall - staring and rapid thinking, a curious chris appeared at the doorway. the youngest boy peeked his head in their shared bedroom , chocolate chip cookie crumbs on pink lips. with furrowed eyebrows he observed his older brother. wondering just what made matt so upset, he ditched cookie wednesday.

" what possessed you, kid? " christopher finally spoke up, slowly walking into the blue room.

matt immediately turned towards him. blue eyes welled up with tears, lips quivering. it was as though chris' question opened up the teary gates. 

" me and elle had a fight — a fight! now she'll hate me forever, " he exclaimed rather overdramatically.

chris only blinked. tongue slipped past lips to lick the chocolate cookie crumbs on lips as a thumb swiped under his mouth. a small fight didn't seem like a big deal to him, and he felt as though matt was exaggerating things. matt continued rambling on and on — most of the words uncomprehensive.

" geez, just apologize then, " chris commented, turning around to go downstairs.

matt fell quiet then. the blue blanket fell from his grasp, revealing matt in a teen titans shirt and basketball shorts. 

oh. ohhhhhhhhhhh. 

matthew sturniolo raced downstairs ; as fast as his feet could take him. in one hand he held a robot, the other a doll arielle left last week. his mind was set on apologizing and it's a good thing arielle lives in the same block, just five houses away. he was going to ring her bell, apologize, then play "robot invades princess aurelia's castle" together ( which was really just matt's robot stomping on arielle's doll over and over. )

typically, in movies with a hero and heroine, the hero goes through many hurdles along the way. a giant dragon attacking the city, a witch with riddles and many more. . . you name it. matt's hurdle on the other hand took in the form of one single cookie laying on a tray. a chocolate chip cookie, to be precise. with the aroma of butter and chocolate in the air.

to make matters worse, there was only one left.

the middle child stopped right there, right then. he stood on his tip - toes and leaned over the marble counter top. pondering. as much as matt absolutely adored chocolate chip cookies, he knew arielle loved them just as well. it wouldn't be sincere to offer her only half a cookie. matt dropped the toys on the table before climbing up a chair. he rested his chin on the counter, eyes fixed on the tempting cookies. a part of him wanted to eat the cookie but the part of him which adored his best friend oh - so dearly wanted to save it for her. 

speaking of the devil — the pitter - patter of shoes could be heard. not long after, arielle appeared in the kitchen with a grin plastered across her porcelain visage. 

"matty, matty!" the young girl greeted, earning matt's attention. 

arielle looked joyous, as if nothing happened a few hours prior. as if they didn't just fight. matt looked down, a little relieved that his best friend was okay and totally not angry at him. 

"i thought you were mad at me!" he uttered, pulling the chair beside him.

without hesitance,  arielle took a seat. her bright eyes lit up even more at the sight of her beloved toy resting on the counter. she quickly grabbed the pink doll and held it against her chest, smile still formed on her lips.

"no way i could be mad at you for so long! you're my best friend, remember? or do you not want to be best friends anymore?"

"that's stupid! of course i still want to be your best friend. i'm really sorry for what happened."

just like that — things were fixed and everything was back to normal. matt pulled the tray closer to arielle — a little hesitantly. deep in his heart he wanted to eat it but once his mama did tell him that a good boy is one that is kind to girls. he wouldn't dare disappoint mary lou like that.

"i saved you the last cookie."

arielle cheered, grabbing the last cookie happily. she muttered a thank you as her legs swayed ; a small act of excitement. the chocolate chip cookie did make her happy but what made her even happier was the fact that matt saved one for her and remembered what type of cookies were her favourite. now, arielle sure wasn't good at sharing, being the only child she was but for matt? she's willing to share anything with him. without a second thought she split the cookie into half and gave the other half to matt, albeit his half being a little smaller ( a lot smaller but since she wasn't used to sharing. . . the sturniolo could give her a pass ) .

whilst the duo ate and chatted about their day, christopher walked into the kitchen in order to grab a juice box. he snickered when he saw her brother and his classmate hanging out — a normal sight since matt and arielle became inseparable as early as four years old.

"made up already? what was the fight even about?" chris questioned. he swung the fridge door open before rummaging inside, trying to find for the grape juice box he bought yesterday.

"yep yep, we're best friends again! today i told matt the blue power ranger is the coolest, but matt insisted it's the yellow one!"

"okay, okay, but we just agreed they're both equally cool, right? we made a pinky promise, elle!"

to put it simply, chris was baffled by the reasoning of the fight. the youngest boy stared at the two, out of words. in his head he thought of a series of words — a response, but the most prominent one was the one he wasn't allowed to say. 

bloody fucking hell.

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