no one's allowed to make me choose between them or you.

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rain droplets fell on the window, slipping down freezing glass. as a kid arielle used to choose two raindrops and pretend they were in a race. the pitter - patter of rain hitting the house roof filled the atmosphere along with the music playing from blue vinyl player.

a laptop sat on fluffy duvet as arielle mindlessly scrolled through tumblr, humming to matilda whilst she did so. she was laying flat on her stomach, legs held up, swinging to the rythm.

things between her and matt had gotten better — he truly did keep his promise. occasionally he would drive them both to a diner nearby and stuff waffles in their mouths 'til they feel like their stomachs were going to burst. they'd laugh at milk moustaches and make up life stories about the people in the diner. she felt content — or so she thought. her feelings for matt continued to creep up her veins, tugging on fragile heartstrings.

arielle's fingers were quick to reblog everything she deemed interesting, whether it be stupid memes or make - up advice. she much preferred being in the company of her friends, but being with only herself provided her comfort. the teenage girl was so absorbed in her own world, she didn't realize matt's figure climbing up the tree by her window — at least not until a knock shocked her.

"holy fucking fuck," she cussed, body jolting back. her hand was clasped against her heart, eyes widened.

there matt stood, by her window in all his glory. he was drenched — black tank top stuck against skin, brown locks wet against forehead. water dripped off him as he stood on a tree branch, holding onto white window sill for dear life. 

arielle rubbed her heart in relief when she saw matt, cursing him while she got up from bed. a lightning struck — and so matt knocked frantically on the window, profusely yelling "hurry up."

"calm down, gosh," arielle said, unlocking the window.

she handed a hand to matt, helping him get in. water dripped on the floor, causing a puddle but arielle paid no mind. her only concern was matt.

"why the hell did you think it was a good idea to climb to my window? couldn't you just use the main door like any sane person would?" she rambled, closing the window once matt fully got in. 

"the spare key under the rug couldn't be found," he argued.

"the door bell? matt, that's what door bells are for, jesus," arielle shook her head. 

she combed matt's hair to the back, revealing his eyes. red hues decorated his blue eyes, which made arielle frown.

"what's wrong? you look like you were crying," with furrowed eyebrows the girl questioned.

matt only shook his head before a fit of coughs took over him — must've been from the cold. arielle rushed to her closet to get a towel, walking in hurried footsteps. she bent down to rummage through a drawer.

"you're literally drenched, matt. for fuck's sake whatever it is you came for, i'm pretty sure it could've waited! now you're all wet and coughing, jesus, you're going to catch a — "

a warm embrace ( or perhaps cold is more fitting ) interupted her lecture. matt wrapped his arms around her waist — as tight as he possibly could. he plopped his head to rest on arielle's shoulder, and the fact that she was a couple inches shorter than her enabled him to rest comfortably without hurting his neck. arielle was frozen in her track. the warm towel in her hand fell onto the wooden floor.

"i missed you so much," matt mumbled into her skin, sentence muffled.

arielle porter was in awe — unsure of what to do, or what to say. the world suddenly went quiet, no thunder and no harry styles playing in the background. the water seeping into her clothes weren't felt, just matt's gangly arms on her waist and his hair tickling her skin. everything else faded into the ambience. 

finally, she decided to rest her head against the other's in silence. let matt be the one talking, she decided. she'll remain quiet like she had been for two or three months now. teenage girl then gathered the courage to stroke matt's hair with her frail fingers — gently, like if she was a little harsher matt would break

"lauren tried to make me choose between her or you," matt mumbled.

arielle dropped her hand from his brown locks. still quiet, staring into space. a part of her was getting tired of remaining silent, but what choice did she have? she loved seeing matt happy, loved seeing the corners of his lips tug into a heart - warming smile. 

"do you want to know what i did, ari?"


"i broke up with her," matt confessed, lifting his face off her shoulder, only resting his chin now. 

the burden of the world was lifted off arielle porter's shoulders. you can call arielle by any negative adjective — but the selfish part of her was relieved that matthew chose her. she felt awful about it, of course — but it's not like she influenced matt into making that decision, right? her chest heaved up and down as she thought . heart a whirlpool of emotions.

"are you okay?" she asked, turning around slightly to look at him.

"i'm okay. just wish she didn't have to make me choose, you know?"

as much as matt cared for arielle, loved her to bits ; he loved lauren too. perhaps a little less than arielle but the feelings were still existent. first break - ups suck — hence why matt cried all the way to arielle's house.

"you can't blame her though matt, it was justified. many girls would feel uncomfortable if their boyfriend was too close to a girl."

"then i'll find someone who's okay with you being my best friend."

"why don't you be with me, then?" were the words arielle wanted to utter. but just like the other sentences she never said, they remained unsaid. buried deep down.

"that would be a little hard," was what she actually said. followed by a forced chuckle. 

"that's fine," matt replied, lifting his weight off arielle's to bend down and retrieve the fallen towel, "no one's allowed to make choose between them or you."

arielle smiled in appreciation, grabbing the towel off matt's hands. she dried his hair, massaging the warm cloth into his head. matt leaned into her hands, yelping everytime she purposely tugged on his locks harshly. 

"okay, okay, enough!" he exclaimed, taking the towel off her hands.

arielle rolled her eyes, earning a playful scoff from matt. he held her face in his hands as he stood on his tip - toes — leaning in to kiss her forehead.

"thanks, ari."

arielle porter wished it was her lips instead.

༊*·˚ ༉‧₊˚✧

lovemail from rin.ᐟ

anddddddddd that's a wrap for the small plot!!!! more detailed scenes related to this plot will be in another book <3 YESYES WHICH MEANSSS i'm going to write another book for matt and arielle!! one with an actual steady plot and storyline. i'm also working on a chris fic so stay tuned for that babes.

have a good day everyone ^_^

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