Chapter 2

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It's been two days since Marcus told Abby about her daughter. Even though she still worries deeply about Clarke, as the days rolled by, she started to understand why she left. It didn't make it any easier though. Every minute, questions whirled in her head. Where is she now? Is she okay? What if she's not? Should I try find her once my leg's healed?

Her leg was healing better than she'd expected, and, even though she already knew, Jackson had told her she would be walking by tomorrow. Abby felt restless, useless laying in bed all day everyday. She scanned the room, searching for anything that would help her support her leg. Eventually, her eyes fell on a stick propped up near the entrance. She climbed out of bed, and started to hop towards it.

Marcus entered the medical centre, spotting Abby on one leg in the middle of the room. Startled, she instinctively slammed her bad leg hard onto the floor. With a yelp, Abby tried to regain her balance, but the pain that throbbed through her was enough to make her stumble. The next thing she new, Marcus had his arms around her, and they were both on the floor.

"Abby, what were you doing?" Concern filled his voice, and Abby had to hide her face to make sure he didn't see her cheeks flush. How could she be so stupid? Her heart started beating faster when his grip tightened. Why was Marcus holding her like that? His strong arms wrapped around her hips almost like she was to only thing to hold on to. Abby knew she should pull away, knowing full well Jackson would check on her soon, but couldn't bring herself to do so.

Eventually, she had enough courage to look up, and to her surprise, he was staring at her. Abby couldn't help but smile, and, just as she did, she saw the same wide beam reflect to his face.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just restless." Abby expressed between giggles. At that, she slowly tried to lift herself off the floor. She stumbled once again, landing on Marcus's lap.

Marcus laughed, pulling her further onto his lap so she was comfortable.
"Maybe you should wait a little before trying again."
Abby never diverted her eyes from his, but the smile on her face was slowly fading. "Maybe I will..."

That tingling sensation came back, stronger than the days before. Before she knew what she was doing, Abby started leaning towards him. Marcus started doing the same, whilst lifting his hand to tuck a stray price of hair behind her ears.

He kissed her lightly, so lightly, Abby thought she was just imagining it. She decided to deepen the kiss, gripping onto his neck to pull him closer...

"Abby?" Both Marcus and Abby jumped at the sound of Jackson's voice, making her wince as a sharp pain shot up her leg. She looked over her shoulder to see him standing just inside the entrance, a shocked expression on his face, though it was quite obvious he was trying to suppress a smirk. "Umm, I'm not I?"

Trying to pick the best words to explain the situation, Abby just about stammered, "Ur...umm no... I simply fell and Marcus was....umm....helping wait..."

Marcus' laugh interrupted her, and he quickly chipped in, "I simply caught her trying to reach that stick next to you," he pointed to the stick as he continued "she fell when she saw me and has been trying to get up since."

Jackson glanced from Abby to Marcus and back to Abby before continuing. "Abby, you should be resting. I told you, you could try walking on it tomorrow," he glanced at Marcus, "Kane, Bellamy's looking for you. He said something about improving hunting skills."

At that, Jackson walked over to where she and Marcus were, and helped her to her feet. Whilst Marcus left to go find Bellamy, Jackson laid her down on the bed once more. "Honestly Abby, you of all people should know to listen to your doctor. Now rest. If you want to start moving around again, you will, ok?"

Once Jackson had gone, Abby slowly turned onto her back, thinking about everything that just happened. A mixture of happiness and embarrassment bubbled in her stomach. She wore a smile so wide she thought the whole world could see her beam.

She thought back to a few moments ago, when it felt like it was just her, Marcus, and the universe...

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