If you got into a fight with another

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-"I heard what happened, are you okay?!"

-Will bring you to Julieta for healing.

-She will drag your ass with her to the person and she will confront them

-She would make you explain why you were fighting.

-Makes you have cuddles with her.

-She'll say"Don't scare me like that okay baby?" while she is kissing your neck.


-"What the hell happened!?"

-Will get her mom to heal you while she is beating the shit out of the other person.

-"If you get into a fight, I've gotta atleast be in it alright mi flor?" while she is hugging you.

-Gives you kisses. 


-Will freeze and then will start crying a little.

-Give you arepas.

-Won't go to the person but will hug you tight and never let go.

-Kisses your nose repeatedly.

-"Give me warnings before you start to get into fights okay Mi amor?."


-Just like Mirabel, will freeze but cries full on.

-Give you arepas.

-You will have to hold her back from killing the other person 🤬

-"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you.."

-Will give you lots of chocolates


-"Ay! What happened Mi vida!"

-Literally kicks the other person's ass. (I mean literally and don't picture it!)

-Jumps on you to and you're dolores.

-Jumps on you to and you're dolores

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Ahhh this is so cuteeeeeeeee


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