✨ Pinning you against a wall✨

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(The pinning thing is non sexually)

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-Blushes like crazy and is terrible at hiding it.

-Hesitates but kisses you passionately.

-When she pulls back, she smiles at you.

-She hugs you.

-She grabs your hand and she leads you to her room for cuddles.

-She's in full on serious mode (that means serious face literally

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-She's in full on serious mode (that means serious face literally.)

-Gives you a peck on the lips and then she kisses your nose.

-She lets you go but doesn't stop hugging you from behind.

-She gives you chocolate and a cactus for being clingy 🥹.

-After you finish chocolate, you two enjoy some tea and arepas U_U

-Is a BLUSHING MESS and she is also terrible at hiding it

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-Is a BLUSHING MESS and she is also terrible at hiding it.

-She freezes and stares at you like you are the first ever angel she has ever seen.

-Lets you go and runs away. You just stand there speechless

-She comes back and gives you peck of kisses and gives you an apology.

-She makes you a plushy and you two watch a movie.

-Will give you a huge smirk but you push him away jokingly

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-Will give you a huge smirk but you push him away jokingly.

-He laughs and hugs you. He gives you hundreds of apologies and kisses you.

-He steals arepas to share with you. You give up and gives him kisses on the head.

-He cuddles you alot after-

-You guys then fall asleep cause you two tired af-

-Will realise what she is doing in the next 2 seconds and then run away in embarrassment

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-Will realise what she is doing in the next 2 seconds and then run away in embarrassment.

-You laugh at what happened and you enter her room.

-She gives an apology and then she hugs you trying not to crack a rib or anything.

-She gives you arepa and yeah

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