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Sometimes you wondered if Katsuki was born with an angry expression stuck on his face. It was something you had laughed about with your mother when you were younger. While you admired your older brother, you also knew how he could be harsh at times. Especially to that boy Izuku Midoriya. Today he had rampaged home again, yelling about how he'd "beat the living shit" out of "Deku".

Deku, you thought about him, the small boy with green hair that always seemed to linger around Katsuki. When you were younger, you used to hang out with your brother a lot too.  You believed both you and Midoriya looked up to Katsuki.

You even believed you were friends with the boy at one time, however, he'd stopped coming around and it stayed that way. You too stopped hanging out with your brother and his friends. They were all like him, way more than you were.

Katsuki might've been your brother, but you weren't honestly like him, in any sense at all, really. You were quiet and reserved and still are, your brother called you a softy for it, but that was just how you were. Nevertheless he protected you when you couldn't protect yourself and knew he loved you despite the words he tossed around so carelessly.

"Ugh, I wish he would just die!" That was a common phrase heard in your household, it could be directed at any of the guys your brother knew, but you had an inclination that it was about Midoriya again today.

You and your father tended to stay out of his way when he was like this, your mother though, had no problem yelling at him to keep his voice down.

"Shut it you old hag!"

"Katsuki, you shouldn't talk to Mom like that."  You whispered under your breath.

Your brother looked at you and tsked, "whatever."

Your father sighed, and your mother shook her head, "I don't know what I did to raise such an ungrateful child."

You eyed your father, sweat dripping down his brow even more, "yes honey, I too wonder."

An irk mark appeared as she raised her fist, "I swear the next time he calls me old hag I'm gonna pummel him!"

You inched away, walking back up to your room. Today was the day before your finals, but it was also the day before Katsuki's birthday, April 19. You had too many things to plan for, you wanted to make him a special birthday lunch, but you also needed to study. You decided that you'd start on his lunch and while it cooked you'd do some studying at the kitchen table.

Despite the closeness lost between you and your brother, he was still your role model and you idolized him in many ways. He was strong, he was determined, he was never apprehensive, and blunt. You could only hope to be like him one day.

"Hey." You jumped a little, your daydream fading away. Turning around, you found Katuski at your side; his head turned in a manner of–you wanted to say–shyness.

"Oh, Hi." You smiled fondly.

"I smelled something good, what are you making?"

Sweat dripping down your forehead, you nodded toward the stove, "I'm making your lunch for tomorrow."

His forehead creased and his eyebrows drew together, "why?"

You shook your head, "It's your birthday, you turn 16 tomorrow, remember?"

"Yeah, but why?" You sighed, your brother could be such a tsundere sometimes. You didn't think you've ever heard him voice how he truly felt, but you could always tell either way, what he wanted to say or what he was thinking. It was little things that gave him away, things you knew only you would be able to pick up on.

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