Level one prt 3 bandits

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Welp my life is now poo I have art block on throwback heroes and for in the dark it's too emotional to write at school. FUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKK TT_TT

Ps Im a gonna use there avatar names like crazy on this one no real names here unless it in the real world which its not

Tahl walks silently next to Elsa looking at his toned elven body, (yep Isabelle still likes Loki...a lot) his muscles of his arms moving as he brandishes his stick in the air. She could feel her face redden as Elsa's noticed her staring.

"What?" He asked, he slightly pulled his shorts back into place, the walking had made them ride up like would not believe.

"Umm just wondering what....you'll name your stick." She made a helpless grin trying to hide her embarrassment. Elsa stops and looks his stick in his hands.

"I shall name it....." Makes a triumphant pose. "ummmm....stick?" He blushes at the horrible name, when the others giggled in front of them. Blaze looked back and sighed to Kazal which he just simply laughed. "Hmmm." Elsa growled.

"Stick. It's a nice name." Tahl leans into Elsa making him hunch over to hear her. "Don't listen to them, I like it." This made Elsa blush even more. Why was she being so nice didn't she hate me? Elsa thought to himself as he stepped over fallen branches on the trail. Tahl sped up and walked away from him, hips swishing side to side, causing Elsa to stare.

"Hold up I hear something." Kazal stops in mid step holding his hand up to tell them to stop.

"Um, bird brain? Your deaf." Ironfaun leans against a tree staring at the wood elf who was staring intently into the trees.

"Shhh." Kazal hisses at him.

"I hear something too." Blaze using cat like movements, which was quite awkward to see in the booty shorts, to climb up on a fallen log.

" 'old it right there." An arrow was notched behind Poptarts head ready to fire. A man who looked like he needed to see a dentist and a good shower, comes into view. Falk gro-malzar puffs out his chest trying to look as threatening as possible.

"Well gentle men we were on our way sooooo....ummmm....." Steve tried his best to weasel out of the confrontation as buck50 started to step forward. Loki was no where to be seen.

"Yer not goin' no where." Another man spoke up he had a sword sticking in Falk's back. "We want ta skin ya,"

"An' eat ya." Grabbing hold of ironfaun holding him close to him. "We ain't never 'ad faun 'fore, I bet he tastes like goat."

"And we'll take yer women to." The first man obviously the leader due to his wardrobe being more extravagant. He was wearing furs, and steel boots with matching gauntlets.

"You can't have them." Falk tries to push past a bandit but was quickly swiped by a sword in the back of the knee causing him to fall. "Ahhh!" He lets the air escape his lungs as the pain burned up his body.

"Banner!" Poptarts shouts at his fallen, but not dead, comrade.

"Thor stop! stop struggling." Isabelle shouts, as one of the men start to stroke her back. "It'll only make things worse."

"I'm not going down without a fight Isabelle," blaze kicks a bandit in the chest but is quickly pinned down by another.

"Darlar, get a fire started, I'm gonna eat me a faun." The leader barks his order and an unnaturally tall man, with a hood drawn over his eyes emerges from the group. "Why ye still standin' there!"

"Because my names not Darlar," he steps forward a walking stick in hand and rips his hood off revealing a raven haired snow elf. "I am know as Elsa in this world, and I will defeat you with.....stick."

"Ha with only a stick?" The bandits start to chuckle.

"Lokes no, you can't fight them with just that stupid branch." Ironfaun protests but a gag is forced into his mouth causing a muffled moan in anger.

"Brother, you cannot do this!" Poptarts tries to wrestle his way out of the bandits grasps but was still confined.

"Get him boys!" The bandit leader shouts and several bandits converge on him.

"I will not fall this day." Elsa grins and he swings his stick knocking out several at a time (swinging it like his cane in the first avengers). He kept doing this until the only one left was the bandit leader.

"Ha ye think ye are so tuff don't ye." The bandit leader drew his sword.

"Yes I do, and not even a illiterate quim like yourself will change that." Elsa swings up and hits the man square in the jaw leaving him unconscious. Everyone cheered.

"Yay, not going to be eaten!" Ironfaun cheered.

"Yay we don't have o hear Tony bitch." Kazal jumped up and down in joy.

"I think I love you," Steve hugs Elsa.

"No homo." Tony broke up the hug.

"We should keep moving." Bucky picked up a sword from one of the bandits. Everyone followed suit getting enough armor to cover themselves decently.

So how was that? Btw Isabelle has a tumblr now it's Isabelle-Rogers not very original I know but it was the only one they had free :,( give me a follow I'll post some comic stuff if I can and you can give me a shout.

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