🎀I've been scared of sleeping with the lights on🎀

93 3 34

(1st Person PoV)

Miu's dead cold eyes were staring at us. She looked like she was crucified upside down, blood dripping down her side, her legs looking broken and her arms were wrapped up in rope.

The words BACK OFF were written in blood above her body and below her body HE IS MINE was written.

"We have to call the police!" Maki shouted.

"What's going on! I heard someone screaming!" Rantaro has appeared.

"Rantaro. Miu is...Miu is dead!" Kiibo choked out.

"What? Miu no!" Rantaro cried out.

"Seriously call 999!" Kokichi snapped.

Angie pulled out her phone and dialed the number.

(Time skip)

"Sh*t! How could this happen!" I cried.

The class was gathered in the cafeteria except for Korekiyo who was on a trip to America and Shuichi who was investigating a case in England.

"I bet it was one of you degenerate males!" Tenko snapped.

"Who could have the audacity to kill one of us? Especially after what happened those years ago!" Kiibo said.

"We have to figure this out!" Kaito jumped in.

"Everyone, we must remain calm. The police are investigating the scene. Let them handle it," Kirumi assured us.

While she was trying to calm us all down, something didn't sit right with me.

Kiibo said that Miu looked fine and alive when they last saw her.

So how could she be dead now?

I held my hands together nervously and stared at the floor.

Who could have killed Miu?

It couldn't be someone random, no this had to be calculated.

Someone wanted to kill her, someone was waiting for a chance that Miu would be alone so she can be caught off guard.

This couldn't be an accident either!

Those words...

Back off and He's mine were written where Miu's body was.

What could this mean?

Miu...I swear I'll get justice for your death. Mark my words!

To the one I Adore (Yandere!Rantaro X Kiibo)Where stories live. Discover now