Chapter 3

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Talking" - Talking
'Thinking' - Thinking
*Flashback* - Flashback
//Time Skip// - Time Skip
( Author's Note ) - Author's note


"Where were you last night Yoo Joonghyuk?" Kim Dokja said in a cold voice.

Yoo Joonghyuk was silent for a moment. He has a confused look on his face. 'Why does he looks confused?' Kim Dokja thought after questioning his boyfriend's whereabouts. Yoo Joonghyuk was about to answer when Kim Dokja ask him again.

"Where were you yesterday and why didn't you text me or even call me?" Kim Dokja repeated.

"... I was at work, we have a new project that's why I was busy and I was too tired to go home so i slept in a hotel nearby." Yoo Joonghyuk answered with a stoic face.

Kim Dokja was silently looking at Yoo Joonghyuk, he noticed his outfit, it was the same as yesterday. 'Liar' he thought as he remember what Lee Seolhwa said to the phone last night.

Kim Dokja never replied and just went to the kitchen to eat the food he cooked. Yoo Joonghyuk went straight to the bathroom to take a shower, afterwards he went to the closet to pick an outfit when he noticed the closed boxes he saw the other day opened.

Yoo Joonghyuk peaked at the content inside, He expected to see a new book set, but what he saw was broken fairylights, shattered candles and crushed flowers inside it. He decided to ask Kim Dokja about it later when he eats, so he went on and dressed himself.

Yoo Joonghyuk went downstairs to the kitchen and saw Kim Dokja quietly eating his lunch. He went and sit down in front of Kim Dokja where his plate of food is placed. They were both silently eating, minutes have passed before Kim Dokja was finished with his meal, he stands up and about to put his plate on the sink when Yoo Joonghyuk asked a question.

"Why were there some broken fairylights in the closet? Not only that but there were candles and flowers there too. Are you trying to suprise me?" Yoo Joonghyuk said in a teasing tone. Kim Dokja didn't replied for a moment, and that made Yoo Joonghyuk worried.

" it a suprise? I'll pretend to have not noticed it baby." Yoo Joonghyuk said. Kim Dokja then placed his plate on the sink and looked back at Yoo Joonghyuk, and answered:

"It was for our 5th anniversary" Kim Dokja said in the same tone he used when Yoo Joonghyuk first entered the house this morning.

"Oh, that's-" Yoo Joonghyuk froze. He remembers. He remembers that yesterday was supposed to be their anniversary. 'He prepared a lot yesterday and I wasn't even here.' Yoo Joonghyuk realized.

"Shit, baby I'm so sorry I was so busy lately that I forgot about our anniversary" Yoo Joonghyuk said while standing up. But Kim Dokja didn't care. Up until now Yoo Joonghyuk haven't said the real reason why he didn't came home yesterday, why he was busy lately.

"And yet you had time to help Lee Seolhwa move her stuff, you had time to spend times with her, and had the time to even pick her up from the airport 2 months ago." Kim Dokja said as Yoo Joonghyuk was about to hug him, but wasn't able to and froze.

"Wha- How did you know about that?" Yoo Joonghyuk said in suprise.

"Does it matter on how I found out? What matters is how you choose to help her on our anniversary. How you skipped our night out, movie night just to be with her!" Kim Dokja didn't realise that he have raised his voice, but does he care? No. He started walking back to their room to cool off but was stopped.

"I didn't do it on purpose! She just came back, I had to help her. And it's been years since we last saw each other." Yoo Joonghyuk said while hurriedly putting his plate at the sink and walking to catch up to his boyfriend. He knows that if he do something wrong it would only make Kim Dokja furious.

Kim Dokja manages to get to their room but wasn't able to close the door as the body of his boyfriend blocks it. Yoo Joonghyuk was about to grab his wrist but he slapped it away.

"Don't you touch me. So you're saying that being with her is more important than our anniversary? I can understand that you skipped our movie nights to help her but missing our anniversary?! Forgetting it?! No! I'm your boyfriend but lately it feels like you forgotten that too!" Kim Dokja snapped. Tears were threatening to spill, he was holding it in but i feels like one more word out of his mouth it might spill.

"Of course you're my boyfriend! And No! Both of you are important to me! She's my friend since I was a kid, you know that. Don't tell me you're jealous because I have been spending time with her? You hang out with Han Sooyoung almost everyday, but I never complain about it!" Yoo Joonghyuk shouted. He was tired, he just got back from helping Lee Seolhwa move stuff to her place.

"IT'S DIFFERENT! IM FUCKING GAY, AND SOOYOUNG TOO. JEALOUS? YES I'M FUCKING JEALOUS. WHO WOULDN'T?! WHO WOULDN'T GET JEALOUS WHEN THEIR PARTNER SPENDS MORE TIME WITH ANOTHER PERSON, AND THAT PERSON HAPPENS TO BE THEIR FIRST LOVE!" Kim Dokja shouted with tears falling out of his eyes. He's so jealous because he knows that no matter what, she's always first for Yoo Joonghyuk, she's his childhood friend and that he can't change that fact.

"That was in the past Kim Dokja! I don't love her anymore, I only see her as a friend! Please calm down baby" Yoo Joonghyuk said while trying to calm his boyfriend down, but Kim Dokja didn't. He pushed Yoo Joonghyuk to the side while storming off to the front door with the car keys with him.

"I'm gonna stay at Han Sooyoung for the meantime. I'm not ready to talk to you. I'll call you or meet you when I am." And with that being said, Kim Dokja shut the door behind him, walked towards the car and sits, he drove off immediately after closing the car door.

Yoo Joonghyuk heard the car going off to the distance. He didn't expect his boyfriend to be so mad at him. 'He's right, both of us needs to calm down first' he thought while sitting down, but before he can, he heard something falls and shattering behind him.

There, Yoo Joonghyuk saw his and Kim Dokja's picture that was hang up on the wall, on the floor with shattered glass surrounding it.

- End of Chapter 3 -

(The next chapter is probably gonna be the last one. Well, I'm gonna have 2 possible ending for this. Anyway, another chapter! I'm bad at making scenes like screaming and fighting so please bear with that haha.. enjoyy (*´ω`*) *hugs 4 y'all* (つ≧▽≦)つ)

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