the collab and a vlog?

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We all log onto adopt me. "Why are we playing Adopt me, sarah...." Juliette asks, clearly disappointed in me.

"Because.. today we will be giving away legendary pets to people who are subscribed to our YouTube channels!" I announce as I pull a mega neon unicorn out of my backpack. "This could be yours!"

Emily coughs. "L-Legendary pets?" They pull out a common dog. I sigh and secretly hands Emily and Juliette Legendary pets to give away. We live stream for 3 hours with our fans until it is time for me to go meet with my other friends for our vlog together. Being famous was a full time job for me, smh. 

I meet up with Sophia, Daniel, and Nhi for the vlog. "Took you long enough." Nhi complains even though the most she had to wait was 5 minutes. The three of them are sitting at a donut shop with an extra seat for me. I sit down next to Sophia while Daniel explains the different things we'll be doing today. I can't help but notice Daniel looks a little nervous today, but I shrug it off. He's probably just nervous for the vlog. What an amateur. 

We start recording and show off what everyone ordered. I got a strawberry ice donut! We all finish eating and Daniel tells us he has something to tell us all before we go to our next stop. "I'm gay."

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