418 37 13

UPDATE DATE: 29/05/24



Heyya guys 

I am sorry for the late update

back with the next updates

suggestions are always welcome


There were a lot of questions arising and manan had no answer for their questions...those questions eyes was a sight manan that they never wanted to see..

nandini- (collecting all her confidence) well i had to reveal my identify one day so i revealed it today whats the big deal

though nandini knew she had given the most lame reason she stood confident

reporter- mam what you say maybe true but what about the display of your love and a kiss that too in public

manik- first stop question her in that accusing tone...second its our wish to show our love whenever and wherever we want

reporter- sorry sir but the media and the crowd had gone crazy knowing mam's identity and the sudden show of your love in public

random person from the crowd- nandini mam.. we knew you are taken but the she-devil broke my heart ..

nandini chuckled a little and kissed on maniks cheeks making his grumpy smile to a real one and said - the she devil and nandini murthy both are taken by the one and only manik malhora so guys sorry to break a million hearts( she said with a wink at the end)

nandini chuckled a little and kissed on maniks cheeks making his grumpy smile to a real one and said - the she devil and nandini murthy both are taken by the one and only manik malhora so guys sorry to break a million hearts( she said with a wink ...

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the crowd hooted loudly and the media captured a lot of pics and atlast also congratulated nandini for her victory..

after given a much needed time to the media and the crowd, the soul wheelers went back to their mansion....and manan were, mostly manik was thinking ways to save his girl from the scolding for the other 5

as soon as they reached the mansion...manik picked nandini in his arms and rushed to their room before anyone could stop them..and the other just nodded in disbelief seeing this..

cabir- manik ka kuch nhi ho sakta

abhi- i know right he is so possessive when it comes to nandini

alya- ya i mean he always takes care....(stops seeing mukti moving to her room)

dhruv- mukku... rukh na

mukti still dint listen and went to her room and sensing something was wrong dhruv was about to go but abhi said he wants to check and dhruv saw the genuine care in abhi's eyes for his sister and gave him the permission and went with alya to her room ... whereas cabir muttered a few curses under his breath about the couples and went to his partner that is

 whereas cabir muttered a few curses under his breath about the couples and went to his partner that is

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His food😁

munching food and collecting information about the next project that CA AND MM INDUSTRIES is going to sign [CA AND MM INDUSTRIES is the sole company owned by the soul wheelers as per the world...its the joint company on the name of 10 percent share each and the 30 percent is owned by a joint name of 2 people that is not known to anyone not even soul wheelers as it is given for shareholders. CA AND MM means Cabir Alya Abhi Nandini Dhruv Mukti Manik and the companies that their parents handled are been handled by the branch heads and only for very major decisions are been asked to them...]

manan's room

manik- (huffing and kept nandini on their bed) thank god..

nandini- (laughing) manik for now we are safe but what will we say when we will go down, at the end we all are together,,, sometime or the other we will come face to face

Manik's face hardened and got lost in thoughts of saving nandini...seeing this nandini spoke

nandini- mani..dont stress they will understand us....(making a fake sad face) when u picked me and brought me here na,, i thought u had a romantic mood par ( she made a pout and stopped looking at manik's face who is lost in the thought that how did the romance breaker think of making his mood romantic)

manik- jaan aisa nhi hai.. i am ever romantic for you (saying this hovered over her and they spent their romantic time exploring eachother but in their limits as manik is waiting for the right time to claim his girl)

otherside in mukti's room

abhi entered behind mukti- heyy, r u ok?? i mean u just left the convo in between and came in..

mukti- nhi aisa kuch nhi hai...just that after seeing manik and nandini and about saving protecting..i just remembered few things

abhi- few things like..(mukti had no answer yet abhi knew it) i know what you are thinking and i can understand ur feelings also..and i am sorry for not being there when this happened

mukti- thanks abhi par i know we were all kids when this happened and those memories just haunt me always yet having u all with me is a comfort (saying this she leans towards his chest)

abhi notices this and cuddles her in his chest feeling all the comfort and giving her warmth that she needed...and sleep took over mukti whereas abhi tucks her in the bed properly and covers her and those thoughts of their childhood blocks his mind wherein their happy family their fun filled moments lived but suddenly the kidnap , torture, death ,training, struggling and all those interrupted their happy LIVES..

(Guys abhi and mukti are not together, they are just best friends and the whole soulwheelers grp is cosy with eachother)


His Babygirl❤


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