Until one day..

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Until one day everything changed. That's when everything changed. Everything happened at once. When he got to the hospital, he saw him lying there. It was like someone punched him in the stomach. He couldn't breathe. He didn' know what was happening anymore. All he knew was that his heart felt like it was being ripped apart from within. He collapsed onto the floor, tears rolling freely down his cheeks. No matter how hard he fought, he didn't want to leave his father's side. He wanted his father to stay awake just a little bit longer. He knew that there were people who needed him too. They would be devastated without him.
But his father had died and all he had left was his daughter. All he had ever cared about. All he had wanted to do was protect her. But then that's where it all began. When he realized that there was no way to take care of both of them, and that even though they might seem to be happy together, they weren't.
He didn't know why he started drinking so much more often. Why he started hurting his daughter so badly. What had made him snap.
Maybe it was because of everything that had gone wrong. Maybe it was because he'd lost his wife. Or maybe it was because it was just getting harder to hold himself together. Whatever the reason, he ended up breaking completely.

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