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Beep sounds were heard across the room, doctors and nursing sisters came hurriedly in the ward number 306. During the past surgeries, the blonde's surgeon worked to remove the lung cancer and a margin of healthy tissue. The surgery called lobectomy to remove the entire lobe of one lung was done to Jeno. The lungs have sections called lobes. The right lung has 3 lobes and the left lung has 2 lobes. A lobectomy may be done when a problem is found in just part of a lung. People with non-small cell lung cancer can be treated with surgery, However, long-term survival after surgery remains less than 50% That means you may have five years to live, or maybe less.
Doctors have already stated about the critical condition of Jeno, he had went under some lung cancer surgeries. Some of them were successful but the remains of tumour increased the cancer in his lungs even more. The survival rate after lobectomy is 41%. The blonde's surgeries were done 3 years ago and now here he is having the last moment of his life. Doctors already told Jaemin that this was Jeno's last day so they left the two of the boys alone in the room. The blonde had mottled and blotchy skin, especially on the hands, feet and knees, which was obviously visible. Anyone can say that Jeno is about to die soon. His blood pressure decreased. Jeno refused to eat anything since morning even if tje younger one forced him to eat he wasn't able to swallow anything. He always threw up. And due to the tumour growing inside his chest it was very difficult for him to breathe his lungs were congested.

Jeno is having the most painful moment of his life. Not because of the cancer but because of his sweetheart breaking down in front of him. Jaemin is continuously crying while caressing Jeno's pale white cheek. He kept on saying the same thing to rhe elder one, chanting I love you while weeping.
"P-please... don't leave me... I-I'll die without you...", Jaemin's heart was broken long ago when he heard the doctor say, "Patient Lee Jeno has, only a week to live." Since then Jaemin started taking more care of Jeno. The pinkette kept on crying while holding Jeno's hand. The blonde was helpless, he wanted to hug Jaemin but he couldn't move due to the iv and small, plastic patches that stick to his skin which are placed at certain points on the chest and abdomen to check his heart beat on the monitor.
Jeno was having a hard time looking here and there. He just looked at Jaemin and tried to speak few words in a very low groan, "I... l-love you.. Nana."
Jaemin cried more while caressing Jeno's face. He ruffled his hair, "I-I..love y-you...the most..."
"Baby...? Please... y-you have to... move on...okay? ... I-I want.. you t-to be... happy..", The blonde whispered glancing at the pink haired boy.
"Never!" Jaemin cried.
Jeno was having difficulties while breathing. He never told anything to the younger one. Jaemin came to know about Jeno's lung cancer just three months ago even though they are dating since a year. The blonde never shared told him about his disease. Jeno was always worried for the younger one. He was afraid to go any further with Jaemin, even though he knew cancer isn't contagious but he didn't want to go any closer to Jaemin. He never tried to make out with him or any other thing except kissing the younger one rarely. Due to this he even argued with the pinkette so that he can stay away from him but Jaemin never left his side. And one day the younger one found Jeno's reports in the cupboard while cleaning it.

Jeno is in the hospital since a month. The younger one wasn't even aware of Jeno's critical situation otherwise he would have never argued or left the blonde even for a moment. The treatment was done by one of the best surgeons in Seoul but the Jeno's tumour grew more by the time he went for the surgery.
Jaemin was in grief pain. Tears kept on flowing out of his eyes. He tightened his grip on the blonde's palm. The temperature of Jeno's body kept on decreasing. His senses weren't strong anymore. He was now facing shortness of breathe and his heartbeat rate decreased more. He had glassy, teary eyes that were half-opened, his body was cold, he was almost shivering. Jeno felt so sleepy, he had no energy left but then too he chose to be awake for Jaemin. His pulses were weak.

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