chapter 10

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Lei YuChen woke up in the early morning and started making breakfast after finishing he placed it on a tray, he was gonna open the door but then he paused and knocked.

Han Siyu was sleeping in the bed when he heard a knock.

"Gimme me another hour, let me prepare to wake up" Han Siyu murmured with eyes shut

Lei YuChen knocked it wasn't violently but gently soon Han Siyu had no choice but to get up and open the door to see Lei YuChen with breakfast.

"Oh my thank you, you didn't have to though"

"An hour"


"We're going jogging in an hour"


And an hour later Han Siyu was tired he was in a blue sweat suit, huffing like it's last breathe his not an active person how was he supposed jog Lei YuChen who barely seemed phased stretch his hand out to him.

"Why?, this is torture"



"You must be fit for the audition"

Lei YuChen showed him the screen, Han Siyu took off his glasses then clean them. He saw that he was on the list.

"When did I sign up for this?"

"You didn't I put you up, you play the role of second main villain, it was the only open spot left but if you want the Heroine spot"

"No, it's fine"

She stand up then hold his collar while pushing up close to him, Lei YuChen blushed slightly surprised his heart was racing very fast he was not use to being in this close proximity of Han Siyu.

Han Siyu looked at the softly blushing and Male and only thought he was too cute for words, Lei YuChen gently placed his hands on Han Siyu's elbows. It was very weird since his side was very much open, he was a real gentleman at heart.

"It's okay if you touch my side" Han Siyu said

Lei YuChen pupils shrunk and he blushed and gently part his lips.

"No, it's inappropriate"

Han Siyu looked at him, what was inappropriate about touching his side he was making any suggestive moved and he had his permission. But looking at the man who was clearly fluster he can't help but think what an open book he is.

"It's only inappropriate if you do it without my consent or uncomfortable or as an sexual assault. Go on now try"

Lei YuChen was a man who kept opposite sex and Gers at a distance not doing or touching unnecessarily.  He barely hand shakes with them much less touching their sides, so to put it simply he was a virgin and he only ever kissed once in his lifetime. And after that he was called a stalker.

His father raised him into a decent gentleman who should respect others, he breathe trying to calm down.

"Why don't we returned to jogging"

Lei YuChen looked away, Han Siyu smiled he wasn't at all disappointed or in a rush. Soon their little interaction was posted on the media by a bystander.

[@onlooker: Han Siyu is really shameless his flirting so hard with Lei YuChen after breaking up 3 days ago with Li Qiang]

[@I♡LQ: atlease you can see it, the guy is clearly uncomfortable and his pushing himself on to him his really such a slut]

[@mention: #thot #slut #whore]

[@Don'tMindMe: Shut the fuck up! Was Han Siyu the one who broke up with Li Qiang? Why y'all hating on him for trying to move on?. It's clear that his trying to get closer to his fiance and you guys just keep pushing your toxicity on him]

[@DoIt: it's not toxicity it's just that the least Han Siyu could do as a sign that he held respect for the relationship is just wait some time then move on not jumped into another relationship the next second]

[@HonestOnlooker: oh please I wish I was strong like Yuyu to not give a fuck about ex you broke all said and done let's move on. And if you know anything about the hottie his hitting on you'd know his not uncomfortable his blushing]

[@Redda: like for real!]

[ @Meme: Step a side ppl the king of stones his blushing!!]

[@LoveHanSiyu: my king Yuyu has achieved the impossible, you earned my respects]

The pictures and comments went viral Li Qiang who saw this threw his phone across the room smaching it.

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