4 precious angels

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"Mom, I need to go to school. Come on!" Madeline shouted at me.

"Excuse me, but that's your pregnant mother your talking to. I suggest you stop with the mouth." Mike said sternly.

"I don't care, you aren't my father. The only thing you are is my moms husband and my siblings father." Madeline told him as she grabbed her book-bag.

"Ya know what...You can take the bus." I told her, pressing my lips together.

"Or, you can hurry and take me to school." Mads said, disrespectfully.

I sighed as I was given an attitude by my daughter. I went and got my purse and walked over towards my husband.

"Are you going to be alright with the kids?" I wondered.

"Yeah, I'll be alright. But you need to start speaking up or she's going to continue to walk all over you." Mike stated, walking away.

I followed my daughter out to the car and drove her to school.

"Ya know, Maddie, I've been wanting to speak with you." I said.

"About?" She asked me.

"About how you've been acting. It's starting to upset and frustrate me that your being so ungodly disrespectful to me. I don't want to argue and I will not put up with it any longer. Ya hear?" I said sternly to get her full attention.

"Sure, I guess?" She said rudely.

"See, there you go again. What would you do if I died unexpectedly and you never got the chance to be nice to me and tell me that you love me, huh? I could die now on my way home, and this would be the last thing that happened between us. Why can't you just be nice and show you love me?" I said as tears weld up in my eyes.

"I don't love you." She said as I pulled up to the curb.

Madeline got out and walked through the doors to her school. I sat there a minute as tears fell out of my eyes until I was interrupted by a car horn, causing my to put my car in drive and go home.

I walked in the house to crying kids and a frustrated husband.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

Mayson and Grayson were fighting over this stupid toy truck, now they won't say sorry to each other and I tried putting them in timeout, but they won't stay put." Mike said with a sigh.

"Aww, honey, I'm sorry." I said as tears continued to roll down my cheeks.

"Why are you crying?" Mike asked, causing his full attention to turn to me.

"I...It doesn't matter." I stated as I turned to my twin boys. "Listen, daddy said to sit in timeout separately. Now do what he says or your both not getting your toy back!" I shouted.

I walked upstairs and shut my door. I sat on the edge on my bed and placed my head in my hands. I began to cry hysterically. Just then, I noticed Mike come in the room and he sat down beside me.

"What's going on?" He asked, worried.

"It's Maddie. I...I tried talking to her. She doesn't care, Mike." I cried more.

"What do you mean?" He wondered.

"I told Madeline that I could die whenever, like on my way home from dropping her off at school and the last thing that happened between us would be fighting. She wouldn't even be able to say she loved me. She said she didn't love me....." I balled my eyes out.

"Care, babe, I'm sure she loves you. I just don't think she's cut out for this. I know she isn't so fond about me because she feels like I took her fathers place, and all her siblings with one on the way, shes probably just going through something. She's a teenager, all teens want space from their parents. They would rather be with their friends than their families." Mike simply stated.

"Yeah, now that you say it that way..." I giggled.

Just then, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I placed my hands on my stomach and groaned a little in pain. I sat up to make the pain go away, but then a liquid fell underneath of me and dribbled down my legs. I felt a worse pain and then I knew what was happening.

"Mike, it's time." I said.

We were just about to meet our 4th precious angel.

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