First Day

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I woke up to my alarm clock feeling nervous and sad already. I sat up and walked slowly to my son's room.

"Isaiah, honey. Time to wake up." I smiled sitting next to the sleeping boy.

"But mommy...I is tired." He mumbled, cuddling up in his blankets.

"So, what your saying is that, you don't want to go to school today?!" I gasped.

"No! I wanna go! Mommy I wanna go to school today." Isaiah whined.

"Well then, you need to get your little butt up, ya hear?" I kissed his forehead.

"Yes mommy." He smiled at me.

"I'm gonna get an outfit out for you, and while you get changed, I'm gonna go downstairs and get breakfast together for you and pack your lunch." I informed my son.

"Oooo, mom, can I wear my button up today since it's my first day? I wanna be like daddy." Isaiah said excitingly.

"Sure thing, bud." I giggled.

I went over to Isaiah's dresser and pulled out a pair of nice jeans and went into his closet and grabbed his button up and shoes. I placed his clothes on his bed and smiled at Isaiah who was already undressing.

"Okay, you know where your socks and all are. So I'm gonna go cook you some breakfast." I told Isaiah, poking him on his nose.

"Okay, mama." He said.

I quickly walked downstairs and started eggs and bacon for Isaiah. Although, I was disgusted with it, I cooked it because it was his favorite. Mike normally did all these things for me since I wasn't so fond about cooking an animal. But ever since Mike had passed from the car accident, I've had to start stepping up. It was hard taking care of two kids alone. But, I knew it's what I had to do.

"Morning." My daughter, Abigail passed me, mumbling.

"Good morning, darling." I sweetly kissed her head as she sat on a stool.

I walked over to the fridge and poured her a glass of orange juice.

"What would you like for breakfast?" I asked setting her drink in front of her.

"I'll probably just have a poptart." She replied.

"What? On your first day of 10th grade? Really, that's what you want?" I chuckled.

"Yup!" Abby laughed.

"Mommy, mommy! I'm all dressed!" Isaiah said running into the kitchen.

"Will you button this?" He asked me.

"Sure." I smiled, getting into his level and buttoning his shirt for him.

"Is that mismatched socks I see?" I poked Isaiah on his stomach giggling.

"Yup, and I'm proud of the way I dressed myself!" He said with his chin high.

"You look like a dork." Abby huffed.

"Excuse me, but my little boy looks so handsome. But you will be putting matching socks on, silly goose." I smiled at Isaiah.

"Your breakfast is all ready." I said motioning Isaiah to take a seat.

"Thank you." He said piling up his fork once at the table.

"Better go get ready, Abbs." I told my daughter.

"I don't feel up to it." She procrastinated.

"March your butt up the stairs and get to it, Missy." I said, hands on my hips.

"Yes, ma'am." Abby sighed going upstairs.

After Abby was dressed and ready and Isaiah was all ready, we all got into the car.

"Okay, you both have your lunches?" I asked.

"Yup!" Isaiah smiled widely.

"Abby?" I wondered.

"Yeah." She said grouchy.

"Cheer up, doll. It's your first day back, you'll survive." I said nudging Abby's arm.

Once I pulled up to the elementary school, I walked Isaiah to his classroom.

"Hey, no hug and kiss?!" I sighed as Isaiah began running into the classroom.

"Oh!" He said, running back.

"I love you mommy." He whispered in my ear so the other kids wouldn't hear. "And no kiss." He hugged me. "Just hugs."

"Well then, I love to too, Isaiah..." I pressed my lips together.

"And with that, Isaiah was off. Running over to the group of kids taking off their bookbags. He looked so excited to meet his new friends. He was even more excited when he realized Ivey's daughter was in his class. I smiled as a tear fell from my eye.

"They're growing up, huh?" I heard a voice.

"Ivey!!!" I smiled, hugging my best friend.

"How's he doing?" She asked about Isaiah.

"Oh, he's doing...Well...." I chuckled. "Isaiah wouldn't kiss me goodbye."

"Aww, he probably didn't want his friends to see." Ivey laughed.
"How are they doing without Mike?" Ivey asked.

"They're doing fine, thankfully." I faked a smile.

"And yourself?" She asked me.

"I'm still me. Just a little lost." I admitted.

"I'm sorry." Ivey pressed her lips together.

"Anyways, I have to go, I have Abby in the car. I still gotta take her to school." I said, cutting off Ivey.

"It was nice seeing you. I'll call you later, okay? Maybe we can do lunch." Ivey suggested.

"I'd love to." I slightly smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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