Night at the Wharf

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"Come on, guys! Just one more ride before we go back home."

I begged with my siblings to stay on the pier a few minutes more. I really didn't want to go back home quite yet since I knew we would have to clean up the restaurant as soon as we got back.

Tina and Gene were already pretty worn out after walking up and down the Wharf for about three hours. The sun was now starting its descent behind the ocean, so the cool, ocean breeze was causing a lot of people to leave before it got to be too dark. Now was the perfect time to stay and get on another ride.

"Fine, Louise, but we get to choose the ride," Tina stated," And I would like to go on the Ferris Wheel."

"What?! But that's like the most boring ride here!" I complained.

"We've been on all the crazy rides you wanted to go on. Now it's our turn to choose," Gene added," Not even food can convince me to go back on the Wharfcoaster."

"Fine. I guess we can do the Ferris Wheel," I agreed grumpily.

"Then let's get going before the line gets any longer."

I followed behind Gene and Tina as they led the way to the lit up circular ride lighting up the end of the pier. It wasn't that I hated the Ferris Wheel. It was more of the fact that I was scared of it.

I know that's crazy to understand since I love rollercoasters so much. The difference is that you don't have the time to think about the danger of the ride since you're moving so fast. On the Ferris Wheel, it moves so slow that you start to think about all the dangerous things that could happen. The cart could break off and fall into the ocean or the whole ride could fall apart and roll out of the park. I know those are extreme possibilities, but they could happen.

My stomach was in knots by the time we arrived at the ride. It was only two to a cart, so I was going to be the odd one out. I looked back behind me and saw only couples waiting in line. If it was only two per cart, who was I supposed to ride with?

"Next, please," the ride attendant spoke to us.

Tina and Gene handed the guy their tickets and got inside the cart. They waved back to me before the doors on the cart closed. I watched them slowly make their way to the top. Just watching the ride made me nervous, and I was about to chicken out when the attendant began speaking to me.

"Are you riding, miss?" he asked me.

"I guess not. I don't have anyone to ride with," I sighed in relief. I wasn't going to have to go on the ride! However, my hopes were quickly diminished when the attendant started shouting over the crowds of people.

"Hey! Are there any single riders who want to go ahead? I've got one person up here who needs an extra person!"

I stood there horrified. I didn't want to go on the ride in the first place, but now I was going to have to ride with a complete stranger?! This was starting to become too much for me to handle when someone shouted back from the line.

"I'll go!"

The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't really make it out with so many people chattering all around me.

"Perfect. Come on up here, and you can wait with your riding partner."

I slowly turned my head around to see who I was going to be riding with. My mouth dropped in shock when I realized who it was.

"Mr. Frond?!" I shouted in complete disbelief," What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to come see the sunset, and I thought the Ferris Wheel would give a great view," he explained," I didn't realize I would have to ride with someone else to get on. I especially didn't know it was you I would be riding with either."

Night at the WharfWhere stories live. Discover now