Logan- Abuse

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Requested by:

TW's / CW's
-Abusive Virgil
-Self unaliving
-Cigarette burns
-Implied disordered eating
-Self Harm mentioned

Fandom used:
Sanders Sides

Character(s) used:
Logan Sanders (Logic)
Virgil Sanders (Anxiety)


The sizzling of his burning skin kept Logan awake, eyes dazed and sunken in from lack of nutrition. The pain barely registering in his body before the sickening stench of burning flesh climbed it's way up to his nose.
Gagging as he grimaced, trying to look away before he felt Virgil's hand grab hold of his jaw, forcing him to look up to him.

Logan's dazed and glossy eyes meeting Virgil's before he was forced into a harsh kiss, just.. leaning into it as he knew he had no choice but to do so.
Only moving away once Virgil parted from the kiss, the other's lips lingering on his before the taller pulled away, glaring down at him.
"I love you,"

Logan didn't respond.

"I said I love you." Virgil hissed, hand gripping at the other's neck, tightening slowly, the longer the other stayed quiet.
"Logan. Say you love me. You know you can't live without me." He smirked, the poor attempt of manipulation barely stringing Logan along anymore as he only silently nodded in response.

That was until he was pushed down harshly onto the mattress, arms pinned above his head and legs pushed apart.

He refused to move.

He knew better than to fight back, it could get worse if he did.

"Logan.. Darling, you love me don't you? You still love me?" Virgil barely paused before breaking off into a harsh snigger as he watched Logan's emotionless eyes watch him.
"Who am I kidding? Of course you love me. You love me so much you couldn't live without me. I couldn't live without you."

Virgil hummed quietly, leaning down as his eyes stayed focused on Logan's face, though not receiving any expressions he wanted. Gaze hardening as he glanced aside, presumably reaching for the smoking cigarette on the ashtray beside the bed.

Though the time itself giving Logan enough time to look to his right, weakly managing to reach out before gripping onto the desk lamp while Virgil's grip had loosened on him.
Taking a shaky breath before gripping it tightly, tugging it free from the plug as the wire whirled to life as Logan took his chance to swing.

The shade having fallen off and clattered to the carpet with a dull thunk as the bulb made contact with Virgil's temple. Logan squeezing his eyes shut as he held his other arm over them to protect them from the flying shards of glass as the bulb smashed. Glass shattering and exploding as Virgil cursed, falling to the side.
Though Logan managing to scramble up off the bed despite the disturbed sheets tangling up against him slightly.

Tugging open the bedside table as he found Virgil's pocket knife, flicking up the blade before he dragged himself over to the other male who was struggling to push himself up.
Just as he was to turn to face Logan, the younger lunging forward, embedding the blade deep in Virgil's torso.
"What the..- fuck have you done?"
The other rasped out, looking down at his chest, seeing Logan's hand slowly darkening in shade as his blood spurted out onto his hand. Staining his fingers as he managed to tug the blade out, watching the irony liquid spurt out and stain Virgil's shirt.

Logan weakly looking at Virgil's face, a mix of shock.. confusion and anger flashing over his face as the other shakily took a deep breath.
Body moving on it's own as he found himself on the floor. Virgil beneath him, choking out splutters and curses as Logan raised the small blade before beginning to plunge it into the abusers chest. Stabbing as deep as he could in a rhythmic manner only his deepest desires could think of.

Not stopping until his own hands were coated in blood, rich.. thick blood.
Eyes widening in shock as he let his brain catch up and realise what he had done. "Fuck.."
He cursed, looking down at his trembling hands. His torso covered in deep red blood, dark purple welts coating his skin, various scars reopened and purfusively bleeding.
Various burn scorches over his hands and chest from various acts of Virgil having used him as a human ashtray.

Though shakily rasping out a deep breath, tightening his grip on the pocket knife again, feeling the blood on his hands stick to the handle as he gulped.
Adams apple bobbing anxiously as he hesitated, squeezing his eyes shut before he slowly began to raise the blade to his neck.

There was no way he would get away with this.

The thought alone just spurred his thoughts on further as he took a sharp deep breath before quickly swiping at his neck. Bringing the blade closer to him with each one until the skin began to break. Splitting open as he forced his trembling hand to deepen the cuts as his hands soon dropped the blade.
Spluttering, raspy breaths escaping him as gurgles followed, blood spurting out and slithering out of his neck.
Eyes widening as he continued to spit and splutter until he began to run out of energy to keep himself breathing and awake.

Body falling forward and collapsing beside the corpse of Virgil, blood spurting and joining the other puddle on the floor.
Mixing together in a gruesome bloody mess, body slowly twitching in place before falling still as Logan took his last laboured breath.

Turns out Virgil was right.

None of them could live without the other, maybe not the way he intended, yet.. either way..

Both, together in a bloody mess of an afterlife. Yet to escape one another's abusive grasps.

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