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The next day, Ayhan and JeJe were supposed to come to the hospital together but JeJe was filled with such anxiety that he barely slept and was in front of the hospital gates before the visitor's hour could begin.

He was antsy and just wanted to get this visit over with! Just like ripping a Band-Aid, he says to the wall and then realizes how ridiculous he must appear talking to the hospital wall and walks in.

He asks for Sanem's room at the reception and they direct her towards the private room Sanem has been booked into.

Unknown to Aydins, Jaan was paying for top facilities available at the hospital as he felt extremely guilty about the accident. He holds himself responsible for all that has happened with Sanem and if it's in his capacity to get Sanem the best of the treatment then so be it!

JeJe arrives in Sanem's room to find no one around and Sanem sleeping peacefully, cautiously he enters the room when Sanem wakes up, he thinks of going back out then remembers his pep talk outside the hospital "rip the bandage, rip the bandage!" he mumbles to himself while still doing his jittery dance all the while deciding to stay or leave.

Initially, Sanem is amused by this weird short guy but when the dancing begins she starts to lose her patience!

"Off yaa!! Either you come inside or go out! Your weird dancing is making me dizzy JeJe!"

JeJe freezes mid turn! She remembered him!!!

Its takes a few seconds for Sanem to catch up to what just happened!

"Wait! What?? How do I know your name is JeJe? You are JeJe right?"

This is the moment when Jaan walks in after having grabbed a quick shower and change of clothes Emre had brought over previously.

"You remembered JeJe?"

Jaan is a little bit hurt that Sanem would remember JeJe but have no recollection of him!

And he was her albatross dammit!

Sanem is stunned by blurting out this weird stranger's name unconsciously. All she had wanted to do was stop the man from doing his jittery dance. 

Absent-mindedly she says "no, I didn't think before speaking! I don't remember him but if I can recall his name, I must know him, right? He is JeJe?  The one you were talking about yesterday?"

Jaan would never admit it out loud but her confusion goes a long way to soothe his ego.

Only her subconsciousness remembered JeJe not her conscious memory!

"At least she is not holding on to JeJe as her lifeline!" his bruised ego further pacifies!

Trying to be a more mature person he formally introduces them both while JeJe appears to still be in a shock!

Jaan slaps his back to get him to react to Sanem's "Merhaba".

A high-pitched "Merhaba" comes out of JeJe and he has to clear his throat to talk normally! "Merhaba" he tries again "I was told you don't remember any of us, so this is a shock!"

Sanem who has had time to come to terms with her memory loss says "I don't remember you; I didn't even realize it after a few seconds that I blurted out your name! Am sorry but I am drawing a blank on everything else!"

She looks at Jaan for help but he is as clueless as everyone else in the room!

One of the nurses walks in to check Sanem's vitals and Sanem shares that she remembered JeJe's name! How exciting!

The nurse explains to everyone that meeting people or visiting old places tends to jog one's memory and it's a good sign that Sanem was able to recall her friend's name at least. It meant progress.

Jaan asks whether he should bring in more people from the office to speed up the process when the nurse reminds him of Sanem's injuries and that there was a possibility that she won't remember anyone else. Brain injuries were tricky and took their own time to heal.

JeJe is happy that even though she didn't remember anything else but her sub consciousness remembered him, if he wasn't scared of Jaan killing him on the spot, he would have gloated about this fact quite loudly. Sanem was after all one of his best friends and he thought he had lost her.

Yay to the power of the subconsciousness!

JeJe can see that the excitement is taking a toll on Sanem and she appears to tire easily. He can also see the fatigue on Jaan Bey's face. He offers to stay with Sanem till her parents came and Jaan could take a break,  go home to rest.

Before Jaan could politely refuse Sanem grabs his hand. 

Jaan not wanting a repeat of the other day's anxiety attack politely refuses and says "I will leave when Sanem gets discharged, I am used to sleeping in the wilds, and this hospital is quite luxurious in comparison to some places I have lived!"

JeJe is not blind to the way Sanem  grabbed Jaan Bey's hand and without making a fuss bids them adieu, all the while praying that these two work things out eventually!

Once JeJe has left Jaan asks whether she is up for meeting a few more people from the office and Sanem agrees to meet at least 3 people.

One by one Deren, Guliz and Emre visit her but she is not able to recall anyone.

Her headaches have increased by the time Emre leaves and she closes her eyes to rest.

Jaan silently sits by her side gently patting her head, so that she would fall asleep when Sanem asks "what if I never remember anything? What then?"

Unknown to Sanem, this was Jaan's biggest fear! What if she never remembered him!

He tentatively asks "do you want me to leave?" 

Sanem tightens her hold on him and it hits Jaan that no matter what, even if Sanem never regains her memory, he would rather be by her side than without her.

Stroking her hair he says "I will try to help regain your memory, if it comes back good, if it doesn't, we move on with our life together"

Sanem opens one eye and asks "together?"

Jaan can't help but chuckle "if it has escaped your notice, you are the center of my universe! Nothing and no one comes before you Sanem. So yes, together. I will patiently wait for your brain to catch up to what your soul already recognizes!"

Sanem scoffs! "Huh! My soul! How can you be so sure?"

Jaan pointedly looks at the joined hands; Sanem loosens the death grip with a blush forming and admits "I don't know why I behave this way. One would think I would want my parents or even ice queen Leyla around me but I can't seem to let go off you!"

Jaan repeats "it is because your soul recognizes its twin. We might be different people with different temperaments Sanem, but our souls are connected. One day you will accept this fact."

It should scare Sanem that this familiar stranger is talking about soul connection but surprisingly his words settle like a warm blanket over her. Cocooning her in their security. Holding his hand she dozes off as the day had taken its toll and she was exhausted.

Jaan waits for her to fall deeply asleep before whispering to the silent room "Come back to me Sanem, let me be your guiding star back to us. Let me be your Orion!"

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