So me and my friend Alexia made up this joke.
Me: Hey Alexia.
Alexia: What?
Me: How much would a chicken fly if a chicken could fly wings.
Alexia: Then the chicken flys over to Buffalo Wild Wings and gets some barbecue wings and sings, How much would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. But then a woodchuck comes and says I don't chuck wood.
Me: Then he starts chucking wood at the chicken.
Alexia & Me: *laughs hysterically*
Alexia & Me: Goes and tell other people in our class.
Other people: *stares at us like we are insane*
This people is what true friendship is.
Random Book
RandomThis is for all the random stuff I want to post on wattpad. Some funny, some stupid, some serious, some book related, ect.