| Introduction |

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                      Welcome to my journal

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                      Welcome to my journal.
  I'm Tempest, Stalker's research partner and close friend. I knew Stalker for 2+years. You might think of asking us for help with the Tall One, please don't. We're in the same boat as you are, albeit it may be a lot different.
There are ways to contact me specifically but for now I'll be available to talk to through our shared accounts.
  First off, I just want to let you all know that we aren't proxies, nor are we cultists. We're just researchers who are trying to find proper information about the Tall One or otherwise.
  I'm not a minor, so here's a warning; any minors who wish to talk to me should be respectful of my boundaries, and please don't be sexual in any way towards me. Don't involve me within drama either. Drama is pointless and time-consuming.

  I practice witchcraft as well, but I stay away from casting curses, hexes, etc.
  Don't ask for free tarot readings. Just because I read them for free for friends doesn't mean I like to do it for strangers I barely know.

  That's all for now. Thank you for reading.

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