| Diana's POV |
It was 4 am in the morning and I couldn't sleep, especially after that nightmare. I get up walking out of the room and downstairs. I hear snoring coming from a room, and I couldn't tell which room it was coming from. I stay quiet, trying to trace where the noise is coming from. Walking into the family room, nope. My office, nope. Game room, nope. There was only one place obviously. I walk into the living room, seeing a figure laying down on the couch with a blue blanket around them.
I carefully look at who it is, and I scream loud, causing him to immediately get up from the couch looking at me.
"What the hell are you doing here? How did you get in?!" I yell asking a bunch of questions.
"Diana please.. let me explain." he says moving closer to me.
"Stay the hell away from me Cameron." I begged not realizing I was crying. I was shocked to see him, I've beem wanting to see him but I keep reminding my self as to what he did to me.
"I..miss you Diana. I miss us, I can't eat. I can't sleep everything I do reminds me of you. You're my everything and I am soo sorry." the words that came out of his mouth were all lies.
"I hate you Cameron.." the words flew out. At this moment I didn't care, seeing him just makes me want to rip of his head.
"You don't mean that-"
"GET THE HE--" I scream but was cut off by the sudden pain in my chest. All I remember was grabbing the flower pot on the table causing it it fall down shattering it its to pecies, touching my chest , collapsing on the floor and my name being yelled out by Cameron.
|Cameron's POV|
I rushed into the hospital with Diana in my arms screaming for help. Everyone in the ER turned to look at me, a nurse ran up to me with a the hospital bed. I layed her on the bed, as other another nurse comes over. The male nurse told me that, I should stay here and that the doctor would be with me soon.
What happened? She collapsed on the floor, the pain that was on her face when she touched her chest. It ripped me apart, after everything that she has done for me, and for this family. I ruin everything, I've lost her trust and I don't think I will ever gain it back.
25 minutes later
The doctor walks in the ER, calling my name. She was tall, with dark brown wavy hair and dark skin tone.
"Hi Cameron, it's nice to see you again." she smiles shaking my hand. At first I didn't recognize her because the last time I was her was two months ago for just walk in check ups.
"Hi Dr. McCain." I spoke softly, happy to see her but at the same time really worried about Diana.
We walk around until we stand by infront of the room Diana is in. Dr.McCain let's me have some privacy as I enter the room.
The heart monitor machine was beeping, and there she was laying on the bed. I honestly didn't know what had happened with her, but I was scared and worried.
There was a chair beside her, and I sat on it. As the monitor was beeping, I couldn't help but think of everything that I have done to hurt this beautiful lady.
"I..Uhh.. I don't know if you can hear this or not but..umm, I don't know what happened. You just fell.. and when you touched your chest.. Th..The pain that was on your face..it just broke me into a million pieces. I know it doesn't compare..to what you feel.. but I just want you too know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for doubting you. I'm sorry that I cheating on you. I'm sorry I spent my fucking time being with that girl. I know, you won't forgive me and that it will take a long time for you to gain back my trust. But... Diana, I just love you. I need you in my life."
I didn't realize that I was crying until a tear drop fell onto her hand which was ontop of mine.
I meant every single thing I said. Every word.
I felt a movement of her hand on mine. She tightened my hand. I looked up at her seeing her eyes slowly opening.
"Where am I?" was the first thing she said. She looked around, confused as she soon noticed where she was.
She turned to look at her hand which was ontop of mine, then at me. Diana quickly let go of my hand which is now away from me. She didn't say anything apart from laying there looking up at the ceiling.
It was silent until the door opened causing it to break the awkward silence in the room. Dr.McCain walks in with a clipboard in her hand.
"Ohh you're awake." she said referring to Diana of course."So we took an X-ray and the cells has--"
The doctor was interrupted by a Diana clearing her throat really loud and turned to look at the doctor. They were giving each other looks.
"What is going on?" I ask looking and sounding absolutely confused.
"I see she hasn't told you yet.. I'll leave you two alone and I'll be back soon."
Our doctor said, walking out of the room. I turn to look at Diana who is now sitting up straight. She tucks the strain of hair behind her ear.
"Why do you care?.." she mumbled something which was loud enough for me to hear her.
"I do care Diana, I care enough to know that something is wrong and you're not telling me." I proclaimed because I know deep known inside her heart she knows it.
There was a moment of silence,until she blurted it out, she explained everything which caused me to widen my eyes and I just froze. I couldn't find the words to say anything. Her head was turned to face the window and she too didn't say anything.
I stood up walking towards the window, I didn't know how to process the fact that she has breast cancer. What if , what the doctor was going to say was something bad? Is she going to die? How long does she have to live? How long has she been fighting this for?
"Stop it Cameron." she finally said. I looked at her confused. "You wanna know why I didn't tell you? Because it was hard for me, I've been fighting this for the last five years. Every single day I wanted to tell you, but I didn't have the courage to do it."
Her voice cracked at the last bit which caused my eyes to get watery. She's been fighting this for five years, she risked everything for this family, she's been through soo much and what does she get from me. A knife in her back.
I walked up to her and this time I noticed she didn't push me away. I sat beside her wrapping my arms around her as she just sobs. It broke my heart seeing her like this, we just stayed there like this until we both fell asleep.
|Kirsten's POV|
I walked into the bar, in my black tight jeans and a sleeveless yellow peplum top, black pumps with my curly hair laid back.
I walked over to the bar desk seeing a familiar face. Trent. Man he was sexy as fuck, his brunette hair, icy blue eyes, with his black pierced ears on both sides. He had multiple tattoos which made him even more attractive.
"Ahh if it isn't Kirsten." he says winking at me.
"Hi Trent, the usual please." I say as I hear the bell ring signalling that somebody else has walked in. Trent nods and I turn to look at who had walked in..I initially felt uncomfortable as soon as she walked in. She scanned the room until her eyes landed on me.
She had a serious facial expression when she saw me, she began walking to me and my heart was beating ten times faster than it was before.
"Hello Kirsten." she spoke in a serious tone but smirked too. I gulped getting ready for what was about to happen.

Fanfiction|| SEQUEL TO SECRET SISTER READ THAT BOOK FIRST || After giving birth to Lance, they both watched as their kids grew up. Everything started changing so quick, even though they loved very much. Diana and Cameron struggle to maintain a very strong rel...