Part 1: Chapter 2 (Slight NSFW)

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Arty, Abel, and Betty got into the back of the chauffeurs car, Arty and Abel both overcome with a ping of nervousness. Betty stared at the both of them, giving glances if reassurance.

"You guys alright."

Abel started bouncing his leg up and down in anticipation.

"Nah man, this my first big interview. People Magazine man, that's big."

"That's what she said."

"Arty. Really?"

"Come on, it was right there."

"Don't 'come on' me Arty."

Abel and Arty both looked at Betty, tryna take in what the hell she just said.

"Both of you shut the fuck up"

They both turned to look outside the window, Arty started humming the tune to the song of a coke addiction that wouldn't be released until 15 years later.

The chauffeur pulled up to the spot where the interview was being held and parked the car, getting out and opening the door for the three of them.
They walked inside of the buliding and to the place where the interview was being held, confronted by a woman sitting in a chair, her legs crossed. She was white with brown hair and brown eyes, her glasses making her eyes look a little bigger than they actually were. Her hair was tied into a bun and her bangs were shellacked to her forehead.

The woman intived the two to sit on the seats she had set out for them, Betty remained on the side lines.

"Who are you?" On of the camera men turned to Betty.

"I'm their manager, I assume you could call me that."

"I didn't know they had a manager."

"You questioning my authority sir? Don't every celebrity got one? And I wouldn't necessarily call myself their manager either, I'd much rather say guard, or guardian."

The man turned away from Betty, unable to find an answer for her comment. Betty faced her attention towards Arty and Abel, the interview had begun. Abel remained in a stiff, reassuring posture, meanwhile Arty had leaned back and opened his legs like a chick about to receive cunnalingus.

The interviewer started off with basic questions.

"So where were the both of you raised?"

"Well I mean, we was born in New Melody, Utah, but we was raised in CPT."

"Where is that?"

"California? Compton?"

"Oh, I see. And what was life like in Compton?"

Arty and Abel both gave the woman a blank expression, almost like they were shocked, but disappointed at the same time.

"Did N.W.A not teach y'all shit or something? You ever listened to Straight Outta Compton?"

"No I have not, Arty, sir."

"You lame as hell. No offence. But life in Compton, shit. It was something. I've watched mother fuckers gettin killed over a crack rock. The punk ass white boys in the school I went to in Utah got hella brave, throwing up signs like they knew what they ment. They was throwing up crip shit, blood shit. Goofy ass mother fuckers man. The cops was fucking racist as hell, but that's no fucking surprise. I remember when I was 15, an officer slammed me an Abel on his car, and started searching for shit that we ain't even had. He started grabbing my hips and shit."

The interviewer nodded her head and then turned towards Abel.

"Is there anything you'd like to add, Abel?"

"Uhh, yea. When we was 16, we started selling shit because we couldn't afford to pay rent. The police tore our house down just to find it, but they ain't found shit on us. We ran as fast as we could, for 1-2 days on end. We ended up in St. George, Utah. That's where we met our manager, ten years ago. She helped us out of a broken place. Greatful as fuck for her man."

"Who is your manger?"

About pointed to Betty off camera. She waved to the interviewer, she waved back.

"And what's your name mam'?"

"Betty, Betty Elizabeth."

"Pleasure to have you here, Ms. Elizabeth."

"Pleasure to be here."

The lady turned back to the twins continuing on with the interview.

"So what made the both of you want to become famous? Just for fun?"

"Arty brought up the idea so suddenly, and next thing you know, we're in the camera light, getting contracts from modeling agencies."

"And you guys, you guys have been featured on Playboy magazines because your well known for getting around a lot, do you guys have certain types in people or are you just down do sleep with anyone?"

"Shittt. Well I can't speak for Abel on this one, but I find older women sexy as hell. They're more mature, something about them is just so fucking sexy."

"I'mma have to agree with Arty, older women are very hot."


The interview continued on for about another 40 minutes, the interviewer asking questions that weren't relevant enough to be written.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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