Chapter one

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"Y/N! Wake your lazy ass up!"

I woke up to the my cousin Tatum yelling at me from behind my bedroom door.

"Hurry up I don't want to be late on our first day!"

I sighed and rolled over. I wanted to be late to our first day, I didn't even want to go.


"Yes Tatum I'm awake!"

I yelled back. I angrily grunted and threw my blanket across my bed. I definitely wasn't having it this morning. Right now I should be getting ready to my school back in Washington, not this random ass school in this small as town. If only my parents could actually be parents and not run off without their daughter.

I sighed and plopped down at my desk to do my makeup. I pushed my true crime books out of the way to make room on my desk. I've been obsessed with crime for as long as I could remember. I've always been fascinated by the minds of criminals, specially serial killers. I've always wondered what pushed some one to take someone else's life, what caused them to snap.

And how it felt to watch the life drain out of someone's eyes.

I finished my makeup, fixed my hair and got dressed.

Y/N's outfit

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Y/N's outfit

I grabbed my bag and left my room.. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to find tatum eating eggos.

"Hey cousin killer outfit."

She said with a wink. I gave her a half assed smile before responding.

"Thanks. I hope you made me some of those."

"Of course I did."
She laughed as she slid me a plate full of eggos. I sat down at the table and began to stuff my face. I didn't feel like talking this morning and you couldn't talk with a mouth full of eggos.


Tatum pulled her red bettle into the parking lot of the highschool. She turned her car off but paused. She didn't look at me, but she spoke.

"Look Y/N, I know that this is going to be hard for you. I know you're not doing ok right now, but I want you to know that I'm here for you and if today becomes too much to handle we can leave earlier and go get some food ok?"

I nodded and tried to keep the tears from falling. She reached over and gave me a long hug before pulling away and saying.

"Come on I want you to meet my friends."

We got out of the car and began to wake over to a group of kids sitting on a water fountain. The closer we got I noticed that it was three guys and one girl. Tatum ran a head and started talking to the group. They all stared at me as I awkwardly approached them.
Tatum began to introduce me.

"Everyone this is my cousin Y/N, Y/N this is everyone."

"Hi everyone."

They all mumbled heys as I went to sit down next to Tatum. I stopped momentarily when I made eye contact with one of the boys.

Fuck was he gorgeous. He had brown longer hair styled well and these honey brown eyes that caused my heart to race in my chest. I quickly tore my eyes away before he caught me staring. I could tell by the way the girl next to him was positioned that she was most likely his girlfriend and I wasn't about to go after a taken man.

As I sat down, on of the guys began to speak to me.

"Soooooo Y/N. do you like horror movies?"

"Pft yeah of course I do. I don't think they always have the best representation of serial killers though."

"Interesting answer. And what do you know about serial killers."

I shrugged and responded.

"I know a little bit."

Tatum snorted.

"That's a understatement. Y/N is the serial killer expert. She has a true crime addiction for fucks sake."

The guy who hadn't spoken to me yet finally spoke up.

"A true crime addiction?"

He said with a raised brow.

"Yeah I guess you could say I have an obsession."

I said with a laugh.

"I really want to be a forensic psychologist, I want to understand the minds of people who commit crimes, especially murders."

My response had some weird reactions. The girl looked uncomfortable, the guy who asked about the horror movies looked disappointed and the two remaining guys made eye contact. It looked like an unspoken conversation passed through them. There was an awkward silence before Tatum spoke.

"Oh Y/N I just realized you don't know anyone's names!"

She gestured to the guy who asked about the horror movies.

"This is Randy. He loves horror movies as much as you love true crime. And here we have Stu, Sydney and the guy next to Sydney is Billy."

"Nice to meet all of you."

We were then interrupted by the school bell alerting us for class. I got up and began to walk away when Billy walked up beside me.

"Hey Y/N I have some crime related questions."

"Oh yeah ask away."

Billy asked me some basic questions about criminal psychology before walking to my class, leaving me to consider if I just made my first friend in woodsboro.

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