Trying To Get Mum Back!

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Jonny started crying. I wish my mum thought I was telling the truth. Now the vampires have taken her.

Jonny was thinking how am I gonna find my mum now. Jonny decided to go on the computer so he ran down stairs. He went on his laptop and looked up how to try and find vampires.

He clicked on a website that said if you want to catch or meet a vampire you have to do the following steps. It said he had to get 4 candles and light them in a dark room. Now he had to relax and say, I want to see a vampire, I want to see one now, bring one right please to me, bring one right to me.

Jonny didn't no if it was fake but he was willing to give it a try.
Jonny went got some Yankee candle and went into the attic and switched the lights of, then he said the words that he was to with a relaxed body.

Suddenly a vampire appeared!

Mum There's Vampires living in our Attic?!Where stories live. Discover now