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Arabelle was a tad bit nervous as to what Yelena was making her go do, especially as it's fucking Yelena of all people. That blonde woman would be the death of Arabelle, as she never had any chill whatsoever. If you couldn't tell, Yelena doesn't know what's okay and not okay to say.

Arabelle remembered a time where Yelena and her would always get into trouble with these two other girls, Sharon and Carol. Boy did the two hate those girls. Sharon, also known to Yelena as "the red deviled two faced slut who can't keep her legs closed", had always looked at Arabelle like a piece of meat, someone she could throw around during high school. And Carol? Ooh. Yelena calls her the whitest of the white. Which, Arabelle could never understand, and Yelena could never explain it to her.

All she ever said was, "she's vanilla."

They always tried to team up on Arabelle, and while Arabelle would try and stand up for herself, being 5'0 and no muscle makes it a little hard against two girls.

Carol thought she was all big and bad because she lifts weights. She was on the lifting team in school, and yes, she could lift more than the average woman, it boosted her ego too much.

But when Yelena challenged her to a lifting duel after Carol just about kicked Arabelle's ass for not helping her cheat on the Biology test, Carol got too cocky. All Arabelle could remember was the wink Yelena gave her before strutting onto the mat with a smirk.

Carol was rolling her eyes as Yelena walked onto the mat, as she was confident Yelena wouldn't get past the first round. Little did she know, Yelena lifts at home with her dad Alexei, who gave her all the tips and tricks to be successful when lifting.

Arabelle knew this wouldn't end well, as the entire school was now crowded in the gym, including the teachers. Natasha was a high school senior at the time, while the other two girls were sophomores. The redhead watched her sister with a smirk, standing next to her boyfriend Bruce as he analyzed the weight ratio from the floor to the bar.

(They didn't stay together if that's what you're asking)

"Go Yelena!" Most of the kids chanted, as they all thought Carol was the biggest bitch in school, which she was. All Arabelle can remember is the glare Carol gave her walking onto that mat. The glare of pure 'I'm going to kill you.' Even though Arabelle didn't do anything to Carol, she was a target, and she had no idea why.

The two young teens got through the deadlift for 100 pounds easily, Yelena not even breaking a sweat as she looked at Carol with a smirk. Meanwhile Carol was already rubbing her hands that hadn't been calloused yet from how newly her palms had split open.

"Struggling there Danvers?" Is all Arabelle could remember before everything went to shit. Yelena had no chill when challenging someone else, especially when she didn't like them. Yelena raised a brow with a smirk as she picked up two twenty five pound weights to add to the bar. Carol started to seethe as she stared at Yelena, who was now cackling while setting the weights down. "What you don't think you can lift that?" Yelena asked, and Carol cockily put another fifty pounds on the bar, making it easily two hundred pounds.

Arabelle stood there in shock, watching her best friend give the small brunette a wink before waving Carol to go first. The entire gym was silent, awaiting the result of Carol lifting this record setting weight, Yelena's eyes trained on Arabelle in a warm, reassuring stare.

Carol lifted the weight, but didn't stick it. Which, meant that if Yelena could lift it, then she would win the match! Arabelle was in shock seeing how smoothly Yelena walked on the mat, grabbing the bar in her hands and jerking the bar clean without breaking a sweat.

Arabelle couldn't help but squeal at the excitement, her hands up in the air as she screamed. They didn't really win anything, mostly just respect from the rest of the school, but Arabelle knew Yelena just saved her from a beating. The two girls never messed with them since.

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