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TODAY WAS PROM. Right now, (y/n) had barely finished getting ready, Gaara had arrived at her house a few minutes, waiting for her to come downstairs.

When she did, his eyes lit up and were glued to her. She was glowing in his eyes, she looked so beautiful in her dress.

They took some pictures and then headed out, Gaara took out to eat at a fancy restaurant before they went to prom.

Though, originally they had planned to go eat with friends, but some things had come up and that plan got canceled.

Nevertheless, they had a great time at the restaurant.

They arrived at the prom. It looked awesome, there was a lot of people. Most of them were dancing, or smoking and drinking in the back were they wouldn't be seen.

They met up with some of their friends that we were there. At one point (y/n) had dragged Gaara to dance with her to at least one song. It was funny since Gaara wasn't really the best dancer, but she thought him a few things.

After the song had finished, Gaara excused himself to go to the bathroom, and while he was gone, Naruto had walked up to (Y/n).

"Hey, you look great." (Y/n) said turning to look at whoever had complimented her.

"Oh, Naruto! Thanks. You don't look bad yourself." She complimented back.

"Thanks, enjoying your night?" He asked, and she responded with a nodded.

"Yeah, what about you?" She asked before she gasped quietly, "Wait, why are you here? Shouldn't you be with Hinata? Taking of her?"

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐀 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐋 | naruto uzumakiWhere stories live. Discover now