you are , 🫐

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Evelyn saw him waiting again today. same old meadow, stood a bench where they had engraved their initials. she ran quickly to him. excited to see him after a long tiring day and when he saw her running towards him, Marin's eyes lit up. his mouth curved upwards, showing his charming gums as he smiled widely at her. "Evelyn!" he stood up, arms spread as the girl threw her arms around him giving the warmest and tightest hug.

he ran his hands through her hair, slowly caressing it. "Oh how I missed you..." she spoke before loosing up the hug.

they took a walk out to the meadows, playing tag, decorating each other's hair with the flowers and laying down in the middle of the field. hands intertwined. "this is our place. our meadow. we'll grow old together here." she gets closer to him, cuddling up on his chest. she took a long deep breath. the scent of his perfume and the flowers around them made it even more pleasing and comforting for her. Evelyn wanted them to stay like this forever. but can they?  "how are we not married yet?" a wave of sadness lingers in both of them after Marin said that. they had loved each other for so long. they had the desire to marry. but what's stopping them from doing so? a moment of silent crept in before Evelyn opened her mouth and said, "you know why..." followed by a sigh.

"because I'm not real." the truth hurts. he wasn't real, not anymore. she missed him everyday and he did too.

Marin had become her fiancé. a few years before he was assigned to go fight in a war. but he didn't came back after.

in the end, Evelyn was just a patient in an asylum. Marin wasn't there with her. there wasn't a man named Marin, who loved cranberries more than anyone she had ever known. Marin wasn't there to comfort her with his sweet gestures and words, not anymore. the only thing that was still there was their love for each other.

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