Now, I'm gonna start off by giving my answer to a certain question commonly asked about Bubble Guppies (and to a further extent SpongeBob).
Why do they have things like a fire department, oceans, and pools underwater?
This is of course a very valid question, and my answer to this question comes from an answer proposed by someone on I website I found on Google (I forgot the name.)
The person in question had made a theory that basically was any water not surrounding the Guppies is heavy water, and the water that is surrounding them would be like air to us.
Now exactly what is heavy water you may ask? Well, this is my explanation. Heavy water is water with almost no oxygen, and is very dense. Because of this, any Guppie, lobster, crab, snail, or fish that is in it and cannot swim in it would eventually drown if not rescued due to its previously mentioned density.
It is also because of this density that it has the ability to douse fires.I hope this has helped you understand the water issue.