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For SabrinaMartinez129 who binged the whole series and still wanted more Sirius and Regulus without any trauma involved. I admit I missed the mark by a hair, but there's no pleasing everybody, and at least nobody almost dies in this one.

Not strictly inspired by Taylor Swift's song, but it was playing on a loop in my head while writing this.


Regulus stood there watching his brother get attacked with a distinct feeling of indifference.

It was a common enough sight nowadays for anyone in the castle to walk around the corner and see Sirius pinned against the wall by Remus, the taller of the two had his hand on his neck and almost looked like he was throttling him if the embrace wasn't so inherently sweet. The two completely lost to the rest of the schools presence in each others bliss, most able bodied could even avoid it as his brother was a vocal snogger. Normally he'd patiently wait until the two disconnected or just walk away, depending on how much he really wanted to talk to Sirius at the moment, but he was on a bit of a time limit today, so he pulled a Prongs.

He pulled a book out of his waiting bag, casually let the pages fall open across the spine on his palm, and then slammed it shut as hard as he could.

It echoed plenty in the corridor, Remus released him with a guilty look around at once as he began to shy behind Sirius, stepping hastily away and adjusting his tie which was as red as his face. Sirius just smoothed down his hair and looked casually up and down before spotting him in front of the library door.

"I didn't forget!" He protested at once, gesturing to his own discarded book bag at his feet.

"Are you joining us Remus?" Regulus ignored the idiotic comment, a feeling of embarrassment finally creeping around his ears, but it wasn't for the way the guy wouldn't quite meet his eyes as both were tugging on their shirt tails to come down a few extra inches. 

"Um, no, Frank is doing some extra practice with me in the greenhouses, ugh, I'm probably late now," he hastily readjusted his own bag and finally straightened to look at him properly, "Pete invited me to sneak into the village with you two this weekend though, so I'll see you there."

"Alright, good day," he shrugged.

Sirius blew his boyfriend one last extravagant parting, grotesque noise and all as he kissed his fingers and waved, and then grandly gestured Regulus to enter the stacks of homework first, only to weave around in front of him after the first aisle and begin looking about for a particular section.

He found a mostly empty nook, only a couple of girls holding hands across the way about Regulus's age in sight that were being quiet enough as he began unsheafing his parchment and sorting out his transfiguration books. 

"Was it just the one assignment you wanted help with, or was there something about the class that's not been clicking?" His older brother asked curiously as he pulled out his wand last and pulled his hair back into a loose tail, shoving the ruins stick into the base.

"A little of both," he admitted as he pulled out both old third year assignments and his newest stack from today. "Trying to get ahead of the curriculum," he admitted cheerfully as he showed the extra notes.

Padfoot's eyes danced with amusement when he saw the one at the top. "Animagus huh? Have you and Wormtail started bets on what you're going to be yet?"

"Not everybody needs to make it a game to win Siri," he shot back.

Sirius barked out a laugh and then dove right in. He was an oddly patient teacher, if a little boisterous as he kept trying to skip ahead before going back and making sure he had the basics and then jumping a few steps in his excitement but always willing to go right back to the start. He still preferred Peter's tutelage since he could keep the same thought for more than five minutes, but found himself enjoying his brothers take on the finer details of this branch of magic as they spent time together.

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