Back to School

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"Happy first day back at school, everyone! Remember that dress code will be enforced as we move into this new school year. Have a good day, and Wildcat Pride Never Dies!!" The overhead speaker came to a screeching pause before my teacher started on a long, annoying list of items we will need for the year.

I absolutely hate school. But, having and amazing friend like Victoria always helps.

"Look, it's Victoria Winter..," small, quiet band kids murmured from the edges of the hall.

All I could see was everyone's eyes making a beeline for Vic as she made a beeline for me.

"It's a great day to be a wildcat, Grayson, put a smile a that little face!" She was obviously mocking Mrs.Plescovich, our Principal.

Me and Vic headed to our second period together, choir. As we walked there multiple people stopped and stared. Since Victoria was the prettiest and most popular girl in school it was pretty regular.

• • •

We got to choir, and there was a new teacher standing by our choir director. I got a... weird feeling. But... in an oddly good way.

• • •

The next day, I wanted to get to choir as soon as possible. My number one goal was to talk to the choir teacher.

Vic asked if I was okay, but I couldn't give her a straight forward answer because I didn't even know if I was. My world is doing so many cartwheels that I think my world tore its ACL.

"I'm okay." Although, those were the only words I could muster, I absolutely wasn't.

We made it to choir, and I couldn't stop staring at the new teacher. Every time he would look at me, I would force myself to dart my eyes to another place in the room.

Then he asked to talk to me in his office. My. Heart. Stopped.

• • •

When I shut the door, I turned my head. But, surprisingly, I was greeted by a warm smile. He had been calling in the students one by one so he could get to know them personally.

He asked me what I wanted to do when I graduate, and all I wanted to say was "You."

All I wanted to say, was the only thing he can't hear.

• • •

I told Vic about half of what happened. She was making fun of me, per usual.

We were sitting down, having lunch. While we were eating, he walked by us and called me out by name.

"Hi, Grayson!!" He sounded so enthusiastic. So, I gave him the warmest smile and waved.

As he walked off, it felt like a move, it felt like I had to go after him. So I went after him into the choir room.

"Oh, Grayson, I didn't know you were coming along" he said in a longing tone "you have to leave the door open, we can't be in here with the door shut."

"I need to tell you something," I don't know what I'm doing, "it's going to be a great year having you as a teacher!"

"Thank you!! It's going to be great having you as a student."

Hopefully a little better than great...

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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